The newspaper was criticized for articles about girls who left Omsk

Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry accused a local newspaper of undermining patriotism ”Is that it undermines the patriotism of local residents, because of the articles about the girls who left Omsk. About what claims were presented to the publication, reports “Podyom”.

The chamber criticized the notes, which said that two girls left the city and became happy, and felt that they were aimed at increasing outflow of population from the city. “The statements in the article undermine the formation of a patriotic attitude towards the small homeland,” the organization said and called on the publication to publish more articles aimed at maintaining the authority of the city administration. An appropriate letter was sent to the editorial office.

In an interview with Podyom, the head of the chamber Olga Fedulova said that she did not consider the organization’s actions to be an interference in the newspaper’s editorial policy. “We just expressed our point of view, we did not interfere, this is just a recommendation. This article does not contribute to the good image of the business media, “she said.

However, Kommercheskaya Vesti did not agree with the chamber's claims. “We do not receive any government orders. We decide for ourselves what and how will be published, “the newspaper's representatives responded to the agency's proposal.

Earlier, the Governor of the Omsk Region, Alexander Burkov, at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, called the outflow of the population the main problem of the region. In response, the president noted that population migration is associated with living conditions.

For the first time, the phrase “Do not try to leave Omsk” appeared on the site of the closed blog “Leprozorium” in 2010. In 2014, she became popular among the residents of the city and turned into a meme. It was also used in relation to the monument in the form of a ball on Buchholz Square, which twice fell off the pedestal and rolled in different directions.

