The leading regions by the number of low-rise new buildings have been named

Most of the low-rise buildings in September 2021 were built in Moscow and the Moscow region

In 2021, more than a third of such facilities were built in these regions. These are the conclusions reached by analysts of the developer “Partner Stroy” in the study of the Russian real estate market, writes RBC.

Analysts have studied 3.37 million square meters of leased and under construction housing in townhouses and apartment buildings below four floors in 20 regions of Russia. In total, 273 complexes were considered, none of which at the time of the study was fully commissioned.

The largest volume of low-rise construction was in the Moscow region – 806.5 thousand square meters (24 percent of the total similar projects in Russia). Moscow was named next in terms of the number of new low-rise buildings – 421.3 thousand square meters (13 percent).

The share of other regions in the construction of low-rise buildings is much lower – at the level of two to four percent. Four percent each fall on the Leningrad Region, Krasnodar Territory, Tatarstan, Novosibirsk and Kaluga Regions, and about three percent of low-rise housing is being built in the Irkutsk and Tyumen regions.

Partner Stroy noted that the distribution of low-rise construction by regions differs from the distribution of ordinary new buildings – 22 percent of low-rise buildings are focused in entities that are not leaders in the construction of high-rise residential buildings. According to experts, these include the Kaluga, Irkutsk, Vladimir, Tver, Volgograd, Belgorod, Kostroma regions and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – in total, these regions account for 621 thousand square meters in new low-rise buildings.

Previously experts named the regions of Russia with the most affordable private houses. The fastest way to save up for a cottage, according to analysts, is in the Kemerovo and Magadan regions – in less than four years. The residents of Sevastopol will have to save money for their own house longer than others – almost 26 years.

