The doctor named non-obvious causes of back pain

Orthopedist Goncharov: back pain may indicate diseases of internal organs and neurosis causes of back pain. He spoke about this in an interview with radio Sputnik.

According to the specialist, back pain can occur due to many factors, so it can be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. For example, discomfort may arise even due to neurosis, but it will not be possible to detect it with the help of equipment, since this is a psychotherapeutic profile.

Another reason that leads to back pain is flat feet, due to for which the center of gravity is shifted to the lumbar spine. “People of all ages then experience pain when they stand. There is no local manifestation on the right or left. This is precisely the diffuse soreness in the lumbosacral spine, “Goncharov explained.

The most common cause of pain is osteochondrosis. The specialist explained that by the age of 50, the number of those suffering from this ailment is approaching 70 percent. Violations of the blood supply to the brain, intervertebral hernia and radiculitis are among the complications to which osteochondrosis, the doctor explained. You can stop the development of the disease with the help of walking and cycling.

Earlier, anesthesiologist, algologist Mark Halperin named ways to get rid of back pain. “If you are walking and you have pain on the right side, then you get up (you must definitely hold on to something with your hand, because you can fall), take your right leg and pull crosswise,” explained Halperin. He clarified that the legs can be alternated.

