The court in Germany will begin to consider the complaint against the “Nord Stream-2”

The German Greifswald Court on November 16 will consider the complaint against Nord Stream 2

The Supreme Administrative Court in the German city of Greifswald on Tuesday 16 November, will begin consideration of the complaint of the environmental organization Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) on the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. TASS reports this with reference to a DUH representative.

Environmentalists demand to revise the gas pipeline construction permit issued in 2018. They claim to have new information about uncontrolled methane leaks during the extraction, transportation and processing of natural gas. The lawsuit was filed after the Stralsund Mining Authority rejected the request.

The DUH in its appeal refers to the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, which ordered the country's authorities in March this year to clarify plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and protect climate. And since, in their opinion, the information about Nord Stream 2 is inaccurate, the permit should have lost its validity.

