Russians were told about ethnic travels to Baikal

KP.RU advised Russians to visit the ethno-complex, the datsan and the Barguzin valley on Lake Baikal but also go on an excursion to local peoples, taste traditional cuisine and see a real Buddhist temple. KP.RU told KP.RU about what kind of ethnic journeys you can go to Lake Baikal.

Thus, the “Steppe Nomad” ethno-complex is located in the open air. There you can go on an excursion to a real yurt, shoot a bow, learn how to cook traditional buuz, ride a horse and go to the bathhouse. The museum tells about the various peoples of Lake Baikal, there are 110 of them in the region. Each has its own history, culture and customs.

In addition, the Ivolginsky Datsan is located on Lake Baikal, where Buddhists from all over the world come. The imperishable body of Khambo Lama Itegelov is in the temple. There is also a Buddhist university at the datsan, an exhibition and an art workshop are open. You can come here only for a day – excursions with an overnight stay are available for pilgrims.

There are also magical places near Lake Baikal – for example, the Barguzin Valley. Here is the face of the goddess Yanzhima, depicted on a boulder. In Buryatia, she is one of the most revered, the patroness of children, motherhood and students. People of creative professions and childless women turn to her for help.

In the valley, you can also go on an excursion to a Buryat yurt, learn about the history and traditions of the Buryats, and take part in a shaman rite. In addition, travelers can take a personal consultation with a shaman.

