The Russian ordered replicas of Louis Vuitton clothing from China and almost went to court AliExpress platform and almost went on trial. This is reported by the Telegram channel Mash.
An undisclosed man purchased a bag, wallet, scarf, hat, jacket and belt with a fake Louis Vuitton monogram from a Chinese seller in September. The total amount of purchases amounted to 50 thousand rubles.
Employees of the customs service at Pulkovo airport seized the parcel that the hero of the material was supposed to receive in Chelyabinsk. According to the channel, law enforcement officers demanded only an explanatory note from the buyer, however, if a criminal case was initiated for illegal use of a trademark, he could go to prison and receive a fine of 400 thousand rubles.
In February, a man ordered clothes from Moscow TsUM went home, and fled in it. The thief locked himself in one of the rooms of the apartment, put on all his clothes and ran away from the courier through the window. At first, the delivery man thought that the man had committed suicide because of the price tags on the goods. However, it soon became clear that he rented an apartment for a day for the sake of a planned theft.