RBC: Deputy Prime Minister Abramchenko instructed officials to avoid rising prices for sugar and butter and vegetable oil. This is stated in the instruction of Vice Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, which was sent on November 8 to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), RBC reports.
A representative of Abramchenko confirmed the information. The press service of the FAS and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade reported that they had received an order.
The Deputy Prime Minister asks to provide a forecast for domestic prices for sugar and vegetable oil, as well as to prepare proposals to contain them. She also called for taking into account the “global trend of rising food prices.” The Ministry of Agriculture noted that an increase in the production of sugar beet and sunflower is expected this year, so the harvested crop “will provide the domestic market with processed products in the required volumes.” sugar and raw sugar in 2022. At the same time, in the sunflower oil market, the Ministry of Agriculture allowed the possibility of revising the “floating” duty upward with a sharp increase in the cost of sunflower in Russia and the world.
Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev said that the government would increase support for producers of vegetables and meat, to prevent food shortages. According to him, the cost of meat and vegetables is growing, against this background, the state decided to increase support for these industries and work with networks.