Putin helped Donbass and Luhansk region with vaccines and access to public procurement

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which & nbsp; goods from & nbsp; unrecognized Donetsk and & nbsp; Luhansk people's republics are allowed to participate in & nbsp; state purchases along with & nbsp; Russian goods.

This procedure will remain in effect until the Minsk agreements are fulfilled, follows from a document published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the decree, for this & nbsp; the Russian government must “ in the & nbsp; order of exception ''; for & nbsp; & quot; period until & nbsp; political settlement & raquo; on the basis of the Minsk Agreements, to recognize as valid in the & nbsp; Russian Federation certificates of & nbsp; origin of goods issued by bodies and & nbsp; organizations, “ actually operating in & nbsp; the territory of these areas. ''

In & nbsp; in relation to goods from & nbsp; DNR and & nbsp; The LPR will not & nbsp; will have to apply quantitative restrictions, and this also applies to & nbsp; exports from & nbsp; Russia to & nbsp; these regions.

In addition, Putin also signed a decree on the provision of humanitarian support to the population of the unrecognized DPR and LPR.

As follows from the & nbsp; document, this decision was made & nbsp; to protect the rights and & nbsp; freedoms of man and & nbsp; citizen, to provide humanitarian support to the population of certain areas of Donetsk and & nbsp; Luhansk regions of Ukraine and & nbsp; to prevent a further decline in living standards in & nbsp; conditions of the ongoing economic blockade and & nbsp; worsening of the situation in & nbsp; as a result of the spread of the new coronavirus infection. ''

Peskov said about the difficulties in providing Donbass with vaccines against coronavirus

the almost complete absence of Russian vaccines from & nbsp; Covid-19 for the & nbsp; population of the unrecognized republics has been observed & nbsp; for several months, and & nbsp; the incidence rate is as & nbsp; as & nbsp; as in & nbsp; neighboring regions of Russia and & nbsp; Ukraine.

In & nbsp; DNR and & nbsp; LPR for many months there is a shortage of vaccines for & nbsp; coronavirus, there are also difficulties with & nbsp; medical support and & nbsp; doctors, Vedomosti confirmed ex-premier of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, State Duma deputy Alexander Borodai. Recognition of certificates of conformity of enterprises of the DPR and & nbsp; LPR, and & nbsp; also admission of these enterprises to & nbsp; Russian government procurement & nbsp; & mdash; a radically important step that will lead to & nbsp; recovery of the economy of the republics, I'm sure & nbsp; he.

Ilya Lakstygal, Anna Kiseleva

