Putin canceled Yeltsin's decree

Putin changed the list of regions equated to the Far North … The corresponding document was published on the portal of legal information.

According to the posted document, from January 1, 2022, the decree of December 20, 1993, by which certain regions of Karelia were equated to living conditions in the Far North, is canceled. This was done as part of the changes in the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone.

In addition, Komi, Buryatia and the Komi-Permyat Autonomous District of the Perm Territory were removed from the corresponding list.

Earlier, the Russian leader signed a decree on the approval of the foundations of state policy in the field of strategic planning in the country. We are talking about a set of measures that are aimed at determining, taking into account national interests, long-term goals of socio-economic development.

