Singer Manizha announced the upcoming marriage

Singer Manizha and director Lado Quatania decided to get married Singer representing Russia at Eurovision-2021, UN Goodwill Ambassador Refugee Affairs Manizha (Manija Sangin) announced an imminent marriage. She shared the news of the engagement in her Instagram story. “I said yes,” the singer signed a joint photo with the groom, whose face she covered with a sticker. On the singer's ring finger, you can see a wedding ring. It is known that director Lado Quatania became the hero of the 30-year-old celebrity, who directed her performance with the song “Russian Woman” (“Russian woman”) at Eurovision. Earlier, the Moscow office of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported that Manizha became the first Russian artist invited to the Nansen Prize ceremony to perform a song and congratulate the laureate. “In the second verse there are very important words that this world will always be my home, no matter where I go, that

Израиль открыл границы для привитых «Спутником V» туристов

В октябре министр туризма Израиля Константин Развозов заявил РИА Новости, что принято решение пускать привитых «Спутником V» туристов в Израиль с 15 ноября, но возможное внесение РФ в список «красных стран» по COVID может отодвинуть реализацию решения на несколько недель. На прошлой неделе источник в правительственных кругах уточнил РИА Новости, что решение о въезде в Израиль с 15 ноября туристов, привитых «Спутником V», пока остается в силе. По данным на вечер воскресенья, список «красных стран» в связи с COVID-19 на сайте министерства здравоохранения Израиля не был обновлен — на текущий момент ни одна из стран не является «красной». Въехать в Израиль туристы смогут, если они привиты и за последние 14 дней не были в «красной» стране. Однако привитые «Спутником V» должны будут находиться на карантине до получения результатов серологического теста. Первого ноября Израиль открыл границы для туристов, привитых вакцинами, одобренными ВОЗ. В список одобренных вошли Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson — Janssen, AstraZeneca, Covishield, Sinopharm, Sinovac. Израиль закрыл границы для иностранных туристов в марте 2020 года. С января по февраль 2021 года аэропорт имени Бен-Гуриона был полностью закрыт, в том числе для возвращающихся на родину израильтян. В мае 2021 года сообщалось о прибытии первой группы иностранных туристов из США,

The LPR spoke about the use of Bayraktar by Ukraine

LPR head Pasechnik: never recorded the use of Bayraktar by Ukraine in the republic The head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) Leonid Pasechnik Ukraine drones Bayraktar. He told RIA Novosti that the republic's services have never recorded the use of Turkish drones. According to him, other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were seen in the sky over the republic. “But there were other Ukrainian UAVs that the enemy used for reconnaissance, adjustments and even for striking residential areas in settlements near the contact line. We have civilians killed by Ukrainian drones, ”Pasechnik said. Earlier, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that the country would purchase a batch of Bayraktar attack drones for the needs of the country's armed forces. < p> The situation in Donbass escalated on October 26. For the first time, the Ukrainian armed forces used the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drone in battle. The authorities of the

Czech Republic announced its readiness to help Poland in solving the migration crisis

Czech Foreign Minister Kulganek announced Prague's readiness to help Poland in the situation at the border Czech Foreign Minister Jacob Kulganek announced Prague's readiness Poland in resolving the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border. He wrote about this on Twitter. The Czech minister said that he had a telephone conversation with the head of Polish diplomacy Zbigniew Rau and expressed support for Warsaw and announced Prague's readiness to provide assistance if necessary. Earlier, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the country's authorities are discussing with Lithuania and Latvia the possibility of convening the NATO Council due to the situation with migrants on the border with Belarus. Prior to this, NATO expressed solidarity with Poland and the Baltic states due to the migration crisis. The alliance said that the current crisis is an artificially created situation, part of a hybrid attack against Belarus's western neighbors for political purposes. The flow of

Summer residents were told the reasons for the refusal to connect electricity at the site

Izvestia: may be refused connection due to lack of documents and remoteness from networks Summer residents may be refused electricity if they do not have a complete package of documents that are attached to the application for technological connection. The second reason may be significant distance from networks. This was reported to the Izvestia newspaper by the press service of the electrical networks of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (JSC LOESK). To conclude an agreement, you must contact the nearest network organization. Information about the balance holder and the distance from the site to the power grid facilities can be found at the local Center for Connecting to Power Grids. It is noted that the gardener has the right to apply to any network organization whose facilities are located at a distance of less than 300 meters from the boundaries of the applicant's site. , through a connection point

Перепись показала рост населения Москвы, Петербурга и Краснодарского края

«Сейчас мы выявляем субъекты, в которых переписались значительно больше людей, чем учитывал Росстат в ходе промежуточных оценок численности населения», — сказал замглавы Росстата Павел Смелов ТАСС. Смелов рассказал, что данные переписи могут отличаться от промежуточной статистики Росстата. Она выявит факты миграционного недоучета. Росстату еще предстоит убрать дубли в переписных листах. Ведомство будет «вручную» разбирать около миллиона анкет, которые были направлены через портал госуслуг. «Дело в том, что некоторые люди ввели адрес вручную. Теперь нужно эти данные привести в единый вид», — объяснил представитель Росстата. Пресс-служба Росстата отметила, что за 10 лет статистическая погрешность «становится довольно масштабной» и перепись позволит ее устранить. Ведомство отмечает, что за 10 лет многие меняют место жительства, происходит изменение миграционных потоков. Павел Смелов накануне сообщил «Ъ», что число переписавшихся составило больше 100%. Он объяснил, что эта цифра складывается из оценки численности населения по данным предыдущей переписи, оперативной информации ряда ведомств и содержит много погрешностей. В ближайшие два месяца информация «будет вычищаться». Первые предварительные результаты будут представлены к концу января.

NATO declared its readiness for any development of events on the border with Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: the alliance is ready for any development of events on the border with Ukraine NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the North Atlantic alliance is ready to any development of events related to the alleged pulling together of the Russian armed forces on the border with Ukraine. This is reported by TASS. “We noticed some unusual movements and concentration of forces of the Russian Armed Forces, which is why we are on the alert, monitor the situation and are ready to respond to any development of events,” he said. Earlier, the head of the joint chiefs of staff of the United States, Mark Milli, said that according to his estimates of the actions of the Russian military, who are “near the borders of Ukraine,” we can say that they are not going to invade the country. “This is not something overtly aggressive. Not that they

Seven possible opponents of the Russian national team in the 2022 World Cup play-offs identified

Portugal and Sweden will become Russia's rivals in the 2022 World Cup play-offs matches. They will fight for the right to get into the final part of the tournament. About this writes “”. It is reported that in the semifinals of the play-offs, the Russian national team may meet with Scotland, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Austria. In the final, the Russians can play against North Macedonia, Poland and Portugal. The rest of the potential rivals of the Russians will be determined after the last matches in this qualifying cycle will be played by members of groups C, D, E, G and I. Semi-final pairs will be determined by a draw, which will take place on November 26 in Zurich. The World Cup itself will be held from November 21 to December 18, 2022 in five cities of Qatar. On November 14, the Russian national team lost to the Croatian

Stoltenberg revealed Ukraine's prospects for joining NATO

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: there is no consensus in the alliance on Ukraine's accession to NATO NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg revealed Ukraine's prospects for joining the union … His words are reported by TASS. According to the Secretary General, the members of the alliance have not yet reached a consensus on this issue. “They have not yet become members. But above all, we have strengthened our partnership, we are working with them more closely … To become a NATO member, we must meet NATO standards. We help them fight corruption, but 30 allies must come to an agreement, and now we do not have a consensus agreement in NATO on inviting Ukraine to become a full member, “Stoltenberg said. He also said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants “something more” than support, namely to achieve “full membership” in the organization. Earlier, Stoltenberg refused to believe that Russia could pose

Gunzburg announced the absence of negative consequences of repeated revaccination

Gunzburg: No negative consequences of multiple revaccinations from COVID-19 were recorded from the coronavirus. This is reported by TASS. According to him, “absolutely no” negative consequences for the body were recorded. There were [cases of revaccination several times], we observed the antibody titer, everything is fine , everything is fine Alexander Gintsburg on the level of antibodies during multiple revaccinations against COVID-19Speaking about re-vaccination with Sputnik Light, Gunzburg noted that in the conditions of the spread of the COVID-19 delta strain, this must be done every six months. In his opinion, this recommendation is “very critical.” The scientist explained the importance of revaccination by the fact that after six months a person's antibody level decreases if he does not constantly encounter a foreign antigen. < p> At the same time, infectious disease doctor Evgeny Timakov believes that “Sputnik V” is the most effective drug for revaccination, as it prevents severe