Nine-year-old boy injured in stampede at Travis Scott concert dies

The number of victims of the stampede at the Travis Scott concert has risen to 10, a nine-year-old boy has died the US state of Texas rose to ten. The injured nine-year-old boy Erza Blount died in the hospital, according to CBS News from the lawyers of the child's family. “The Blount family today mourns the final, incomprehensible loss of their dear little son … We intend to seek answers and seek justice for this family, “- the lawyers said. The day before, doctors put the child into a medical coma to deal with severe brain, liver and kidney injuries. The stampede occurred on November 5 at the Astroworld festival in Houston in rapper Travis Scott's performance time. It lasted half an hour, during which time more than 300 people were injured. Eight fans of the rapper died at the festival from their injuries. They were between 14 and 27

UN comments on covert US airstrikes in Syria

UN Deputy Representative Hack on US airstrikes in Syria: responsibility must come Deputy UN Secretary General Representative Farhan Hack of the United States commented on the Syrian air strikes which happened in 2019 and were hidden by Washington. He told RIA Novosti that the United States must be held accountable. “We would … emphasize the need for all actions that kill civilians to be held accountable,” Hack said. Earlier, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky said that the reaction of the American military to the publication of The New York Times about the strike in Syria is cynical. On November 14, The New York Times reported that the Pentagon withdrew information about an airstrike on Syria in 2019. According to an American newspaper, on March 18, 2019, an American F-15 fighter jet dropped a bomb on a crowd of people near the village of

Stoltenberg assessed the prospects for Ukraine's joining NATO

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: Alliance countries have not reached unity on Ukraine's accession to NATO NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg revealed Ukraine's prospects … His words are reported by TASS. According to the Secretary General, the members of the organization have not yet reached a consensus on this issue. Until they became members. But above all, we have strengthened our partnership, we are working with them more closely … To become a NATO member, we must meet NATO standards. We help them fight corruption, but 30 allies must come to an agreement, and now we in NATO do not have a consensus agreement on inviting Ukraine to become a full member Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General He also said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants” something more “than support from the alliance, namely to achieve” full membership “in the organization. They demanded changes NATO and the European Union have repeatedly

Russian woman who became the most beautiful woman in the world showed a photo from the competition

Ksenia Davydova, the winner of the Mrs. Top Of The World 2021 competition, showed a photo in a suit Ksenia, a mother of many children Davydova, who was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world, showed a photo from the Mrs. Top Of The World 2021 competition. She posted a picture in a national costume on her Instagram page. The Russian woman appeared in a white blouse with cuffs, over which she put on a red sundress. Davydova has a white and red kokoshnik on her head, decorated with beads and braid. Also, the representative of Russia decided to choose red lipstick and nail polish to match. “The national costume is perhaps my favorite stage. It is an opportunity for reincarnation, time travel and scope for creativity. I chose the traditional Russian boyar image, ”the woman shared. According to her, the costume is a reference to the multifaceted

The doctor named non-obvious causes of back pain

Orthopedist Goncharov: back pain may indicate diseases of internal organs and neurosis causes of back pain. He spoke about this in an interview with radio Sputnik. According to the specialist, back pain can occur due to many factors, so it can be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. For example, discomfort may arise even due to neurosis, but it will not be possible to detect it with the help of equipment, since this is a psychotherapeutic profile. Another reason that leads to back pain is flat feet, due to for which the center of gravity is shifted to the lumbar spine. “People of all ages then experience pain when they stand. There is no local manifestation on the right or left. This is precisely the diffuse soreness in the lumbosacral spine, “Goncharov explained. The most common cause of pain is osteochondrosis. The specialist explained that by the age of 50,

Requirements for holding mass events have changed in Russia

Rospotrebnadzor allowed to increase the number of participants in public events to 70 percent in the presence of QR codes, it is allowed to increase up to 70 percent. The corresponding decree of the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, entered into force on Monday, November 15. The document is posted on the official portal of legal information. According to the decree, the number of participants in the event is calculated based on the design capacity of the enclosed space. QR codes about vaccination or previous coronavirus infection should be available not only for guests, but also for event workers. In addition, event organizers should send an application for their holding to the regional executive authorities. The decision to hold it should be made by local authorities in consultation with the chief sanitary doctor. Earlier, the State Duma introduced bills on QR codes in transport and in public places. The bill

Nutritionist spoke about the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss

Nutritionist Trista Best: oatmeal contains a lot of fiber and vitamins that will help you lose weight and told how she helps with weight loss. The expert's recommendations are published by Eat This, Not That! Best noticed that foods containing carbohydrates are often called unambiguously harmful and are listed as the main enemies of losing weight. However, the nutritionist believes that oatmeal and cereal not only contain many nutrients, but can also help you lose weight. “Oatmeal is a carbohydrate food that is full of fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. In addition, oatmeal contains even a little protein and is low in fat. All this makes it very healthy, ”explains Best. Related materials00: 07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and interferes to lose weight – says a neurobiologist how common food kills Russians The nutritionist noted that

Russian hacked morgue for the night and damaged four bodies

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: a man broke into a morgue in search of an overnight stay and damaged 4 bodies that in search of an overnight stay, he broke into the morgue and damaged four bodies with a scalpel. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The incident took place in the Kuraga region in the south of the region. At night, a Russian born in 1989, drunk, was looking for a place to sleep. He broke into the front door of the morgue at the district hospital. While there, he damaged four bodies of the dead with a scalpel. A statement about the burglary came from doctors. The man was found a few hours later, he turned out to be a previously unconvicted local resident. The issue of initiating a

The guy bought a microscope and accidentally revealed his own secret

The man told the story of how he learned about his infertility thanks to the microscope Reddit user hornybenny13 shared a story about how he bought on the market microscope and revealed its own secret. An accidental purchase helped the guy find out the disappointing truth: he was infertile. The author of the post said that he bought a children's microscope at a flea market for $ 5. He noted that the device was in excellent condition and showed a high quality image. “I was amazed at how well it worked, considering that it was intended for children. I examined a drop of blood and saw red blood cells in all their glory, “the man shared. ” Later I decided to look at my future children while they were still inside the seed, “the hero of the story admitted and suggested that any guy in his place would do it.

In the LPR told about the violation of the ceasefire by Zelensky

The head of the LPR Pasechnik: Zelensky was proud of the ceasefire, and then suddenly forgot about it The head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) Pasechnik said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy forgot about measures to strengthen the ceasefire in Donbass and violated them. He told RIA Novosti that Kiev's statements about the use of Turkish Bayraktar drones in Donbass demonstrate disregard for generally accepted norms. “I believe that the deliberate statements made by the Kiev military about the use of Bayraktar drones are not war and military operations , this is politics and a demonstrative disregard for generally accepted norms. A demonstrative violation of the measures signed by both sides to strengthen the ceasefire regime, which Zelensky was so proud of, and then suddenly stopped and forgot about them, “Pasechnik said. Earlier, Pasechnik said that the LPR services had never recorded the use of Ukraine Turkish drones