The FAS assessed the risk of rising electricity prices for Russians

FAS: the introduction of energy tariff standards will not lead to an increase in electricity prices in Russia rise in electricity prices for Russians due to the introduction of benchmarks for energy tariffs. This is reported by TASS. According to the FAS forecasts, the introduction of standards will not lead to an increase in electricity prices for citizens. “Setting tariffs by the reference method will not lead to negative consequences. The reference method for setting tariffs will exclude subjectivity and tariff discrimination and will determine uniform rules for regulating TGO, ”the ministry said in a statement. The reference principle assumes the calculation of average tariffs for services based on the cost indicators of similar organizations. “At the same time, such a model will preserve all the elements of the tariff policy pursued to protect the interests of the population and other consumers,” the service noted. Earlier, Russian summer residents were

Two Russians accused of raping a disabled girl

Investigative Committee of Kamchatka: two men were accused of raping a 17-year-old teenage girl -disabled to two men. This was reported on the website of the regional SU of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, on the evening of October 5, the accused, 23 and 35 years old, “had sexual intercourse with a minor girl who is a disabled child.” In addition, investigators are checking the involvement of a third man in the crime. It has been established that the crime was allegedly committed in a metal garage belonging to one of the men. The accused deny their guilt. The criminal case is under the control of the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin. Earlier it was reported that the police in France are investigating a rape case, which was allegedly committed in the summer in the presidential Elysee Palace. The soldier accused the soldier of

Russia wanted to keep prices for sugar and butter

RBC: Deputy Prime Minister Abramchenko instructed officials to avoid rising prices for sugar and butter and vegetable oil. This is stated in the instruction of Vice Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, which was sent on November 8 to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), RBC reports. A representative of Abramchenko confirmed the information. The press service of the FAS and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade reported that they had received an order. The Deputy Prime Minister asks to provide a forecast for domestic prices for sugar and vegetable oil, as well as to prepare proposals to contain them. She also called for taking into account the “global trend of rising food prices.” The Ministry of Agriculture noted that an increase in the production of sugar beet and sunflower is expected this year, so the

Two teenagers crashed in a stolen foreign car in the Russian region

Ministry of Internal Affairs: teenagers hijacked a foreign car in Primorye and crashed on the highway Three teenagers in Primorye hijacked a foreign car and provoked an accident, as a result of which two passengers died. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The incident took place at the 606th kilometer of the Khabarovsk-Vladivostok highway. Toyota Corolla and Volvo heavy truck collided. A 17-year-old teenager was driving the stolen car. According to the preliminary version, when leaving the secondary road to the main road, he did not give way to a heavy vehicle, which led to a collision with a heavy vehicle. It is noted that the driver of the car received a forearm injury and was hospitalized. Its passengers – teenagers 16 and 18 years old – died on the spot. The driver of the heavy truck was

Two Russian police officers falsified cases for the sake of indicators

SK of Transbaikalia: two police officers were sentenced to 15 years for falsification for the sake of indicators regime, each for falsifying cases for the sake of improving production indicators. This was reported on the website of the regional SU of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the ministry, in 2020, operatives 33-year-old Batotsyren Damdinzhapov and 26-year-old Chimit Mitupov “entered into a criminal conspiracy to improve the performance of detecting crimes in the area of ​​drug trafficking.” The police handed over 100 grams of cannabis to a resident of the village of Zabaikalsk through their friend, and then seized it under the guise of criminals. A criminal case was opened against the man who knew nothing about the conspiracy. In addition, the operatives sent to the justice of the peace forged materials about the allegedly revealed administrative offense, on the basis of which an administrative punishment followed. The police

The girl squeezed out a pimple and was left with a tumor on her head

Blogger Tasya decided to squeeze out a pimple on her forehead on her own and ended up in the hospital Blogger squeezed out a pimple on her forehead, remained with a tumor on her head and ended up in the hospital. The corresponding video appeared in her TikTok account. In the footage posted on the network, Tasya explained that she decided to get rid of the pimple that appeared on her forehead and squeezed it out with her hands on her own. According to her, during the manipulation, a clear liquid began to pour out of it, and she realized that it turned out to be a boil. The girl said that on the third day a tumor appeared on her head. The blogger went to the hospital, and the doctors prescribed her a course of antibiotics and compresses. During treatment, the swelling did not diminish, but the swelling began

The atmosphere in the locker room of the Russian national team after the defeat to Croatia is described

Captain of the Russian national team Jikia on the defeat from Croatia: a bad mood in the locker room defeat by the Croatian team in the final tenth round of the qualifying tournament for the 2022 World Cup. “It's our common fault. It's not easy for all of us. We all lost this game together. There is silence in the locker room, a bad mood, ”the defender described the atmosphere in the team. He called the defeat offensive, and the game of the Croats was aggressive. The meeting took place on November 14 in Split and ended with a score of 1: 0 in favor of the hosts. The only goal in the 81st minute was scored by the defender of the Russian national team Fyodor Kudryashov. Thus, the Russians scored 22 points and took second place in Group H, having missed the opportunity to get directly to the World