Immunologist predicted the timing of herd immunity in Russia

Immunologist Kryuchkov: collective immunity to COVID-19 in Russia can be achieved by April Visits to public places from February 1, 2022, herd immunity of 80 percent can be achieved in April. Such terms were predicted by the immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Nikolai Kryuchkov, Izvestia reports. “Everything will depend on the adherence of the population to vaccination. QR codes are a powerful incentive tool. The more regions they introduce them in the near future, the sooner people will think about the need to get vaccinated, “Kryuchkov said. He added that if herd immunity cannot be achieved in April-May, then by an indicator of 80 percent will be released by the summer. Earlier, the State Duma introduced bills on QR codes in transport and in public places. The bill does not regulate the work of public transport, pharmacies, grocery stores and retail outlets with essential goods. In addition, according to the

Windows will change the color of the “blue screen of death” again

Microsoft will change the blue screen of death color Microsoft will return the original blue screen of death color. This is reported by the ArsTechnica edition. The update under the number 22000.346 has become available to the participants of the preliminary testing program. In it, among other changes, the original Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) color is returned – blue. At the moment, on Windows systems, such a screen is black. In addition to replacing the BSoD color in the update, we noticed another fix for the error in displaying the Start menu, which reappeared in recent updates. Also, in the new version of the OS, some problems with the launch of 32-bit applications and bugs that affected the operation of printers were fixed. According to journalists, the update will be available to all Windows 11 users in the near future. Blue Screen of Death is the name of a

A woman became pregnant with her own grandson for the sake of a daughter who was born without a uterus

54-year-old Australian woman became a surrogate mother of her own daughter's child became pregnant with her own grandson. This is reported by the Daily Mirror. Related materials03: 03 – October 8, 2020 in an orphanage “What will the persecution of doctors for” child trafficking “turn into for Russians and what does gay people have to do with 00:01 – 21 July 2020 ” I was shocked to see them behind bars. ”Three Russian doctors were charged with child trafficking. Colleagues are confident in their innocence 28-year-old daughter Arnold was diagnosed with Meyer-Rokitansky-Kuester-Hauser syndrome, which is characterized by a congenital absence of the uterus. In this case, the ovaries can develop and function normally. Due to illness, she could not bear the child herself, so she and her husband needed the services of a surrogate mother. The couple found a suitable candidate in Canada, but the fetus did not develop kidneys,

Russia realized the value of manure and dung

Kommersant: in Russia, the demand for manure and poultry droppings has sharply increased among farmers enterprises. Against the background of a record rise in prices for mineral fertilizers, agricultural companies realized the value of manure and poultry droppings and began to buy goods that could previously only be collected for a nominal fee, Kommersant writes. The interlocutor of the publication noted that since January the demand for chicken manure has doubled. Another source in a large agricultural holding said that if a year ago all organic fertilizers were used in their own fields, now half of them are sold. The general director of the Bunyatino agricultural company, Sergei Shchukin, explained the trend by the fact that 30-40 tons of organic fertilizers, which are needed for one hectare, will cost 30-65 thousand rubles, depending on the type and region of supply, which is already more profitable for the company. As noted

The head of the “Ritual” spoke about the burden on the funeral sphere during COVID-19

The head of the “Ritual” Ekimov: the load on the funeral sphere is increasing due to the waves of COVID-19 Artem Yekimov spoke about the burden on the funeral sphere due to waves of deaths from COVID-19. He said in an interview with RBC that the “peaks” were in June-July 2021, as well as November and May 2020. According to him, the number of burials in Moscow increased by 25-30 percent, while the growth is abrupt. “At the stage of obscurity, at the peak of the first wave in 2020, we could carry out burials of up to 600 bodies daily … This is compared to 300 in the non-crisis period,” emphasized Yekimov. He added that at the moment the figures for the number of burials are closer to “demographically adequate”, and are typical for the periods between waves. According to him, there were no queues in Moscow for burial

The Accounts Chamber named the main macroeconomic problem in Russia

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber called inflation the main macroeconomic problem in Russia Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation inflation. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. “Maybe I’m an overly optimist, and there should be more pessimists in the Accounts Chamber, who constantly talk about risks, but it seems to me that for macroeconomic stability in Russia now there are no so many threats. Because we have a stable macroeconomic situation, thanks to the global conjuncture, we have gold and foreign exchange reserves at historic highs, and a good financial cushion has been accumulated. But you are right, inflation is the main macroeconomic problem, “Savatyugin said. He recalled that now the Bank of Russia forecasts annual inflation closer to 8 percent, with a target figure that is two times lower – 4 percent.

Russians warned about criminal punishment for illegal installation of video cameras

Asterisk lawyer Khantimirov: installation of a video camera requires the consent of 51 percent of residents of the building the form of imprisonment for up to two years. RIA Novosti was told about this by Stepan Khantimirov, a lawyer at the law firm Asterisk. As the expert noted, in general, the law does not prohibit the installation of cameras in the entrances of residential buildings for security purposes. But this requires the consent of 51 percent of residents. The corresponding decision is made at the general meeting of the owners. If the camera is mounted without the consent of the neighbors, the management company or the homeowners' association (HOA) may require the device to be dismantled. The video camera should not be directly pointed at the neighbor's door, the lawyer warned. If, when you open it, you can see what is happening in someone else's apartment, it is illegal. Responsibility

The Russian governor went into self-isolation due to COVID-19 in the circle of loved ones

Governor of the Murmansk region Chibis went into self-isolation due to COVID-19 in the circle of loved ones social network Facebook announced that he is going to self-isolation and will work remotely due to the fact that COVID-19 was confirmed in the circle of his loved ones. “All my tests are negative, but, as expected, self-isolation, ”Chibis said. The head of the Russian region added that the work and meetings will continue in a remote format. Earlier, the governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin, went into self-isolation due to the detected COVID-19 at a relative. Nikitin noted that he has negative PCR tests, however, in accordance with the rules, he will observe isolation and work remotely. According to him, the disease is easily tolerated, so all members of his family are vaccinated.