Russian schoolgirl took pills from a friend and ended up in intensive care

In St. Petersburg, a 14-year-old schoolgirl was admitted to intensive care after taking pills like taking pills from a friend. The incident is reported by REN TV. On Saturday, November 13, a 14-year-old schoolgirl was in the company of her friend, who gave her pills for the purpose of intoxication. The girl took three pills and, as a result, felt unwell. The victim required the help of doctors. She was hospitalized in intensive care with poisoning with psychotropic substances. In addition, it is reported that the teenager is registered with the juvenile police (PDN). Earlier it became known that three children were poisoned by parental moonshine at a school in Ramenskoye near Moscow. The child brought moonshine from home and showed it to friends. The schoolchildren drank during the lesson, and later they all felt bad.

Johnny Depp's daughter starred in a transparent top with a cleavage for the cover of the magazine

Actress and model Lily-Rose Depp posed for Wonderland magazine Franco-American actress and model Lily-Rose Depp the daughter of actor Johnny Depp and singer Vanessa Paradis, starred in a revealing image for the fashion magazine Wonderland. The cover photo appeared on the Instagram account of the publication. The 22-year-old model posed without a bra in a brown KNWLS top with a neckline, the sheer fabric of which exposed her breasts, and a midi-length skirt of The Attico brand with a high slit and green sequins … Beige leather high-heeled boots were chosen as shoes. The photo also shows large earrings and makeup in nude shades. It is known that the author of the frames was the French photographer Corentin Leroux. Stephane Marais became the make-up artist, and Elena Mottola became the stylist. In March, Lily-Rose Depp became the heroine of the cover of the Russian magazine Elle for the first time.

Former speaker of Rada refused to consider himself a sucker because of Zelensky's support

Former Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Razumkov answered a question about support for Zelensky in 2019 Former Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov – for supporting Vladimir Zelensky in the presidential elections in 2019. He stated this in an interview with the Ukraine 24 TV channel, the recording is available on YouTube. The presenter showed Razumkov a fragment of an interview with the doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky to journalist Dmitry Gordon, in which the doctor called the decision to support Zelensky in the elections a bad mistake. According to him, 73 percent of voters “got screwed”. “We are suckers. Real. I feel guilty, “he said. When asked if he also considers himself a sucker, Razumkov replied:” To paraphrase the classic, I'm 38 – I'm not a sucker. ” In October 2019, Zelensky arrived in Donbass, where the disengagement of troops was to take place. He had an argument with the

The average cost of a funeral in Moscow is named

Head of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual Ekimov: On average, 135 thousand rubles are spent on funerals in Moscow Funeral in Moscow costs an average of 135 thousand rubles. This price was named in an interview with RBC by the head of the capital's largest funeral service, Ritual, Artem Yekimov. According to him, people spend 100-110 thousand rubles on agency services, such as a coffin, hearse, transport, wreaths , and the burial or cremation itself costs about 35 thousand rubles. At the same time, we are not talking about the minimum price, but about the one that has developed in the agency. Yekimov clarified that clients who turn to shadow agents may face much higher costs. For example, a ribbon with an engraving price of 100 rubles will cost them 1,500 rubles. If we talk about legal business, then the funeral check in Moscow has not grown much, either by

Russian hoteliers asked for government support amid COVID-19

Kommersant: Russian hoteliers asked to introduce “non-refundable rates” Kommersant writes about this. In the request, hoteliers indicated that due to the imposition of a number of restrictions against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were faced with an increase in costs and a drop in the number of bookings. The authors of the message suggested introducing “non-refundable tariffs”, reducing the administrative burden, as well as limiting the existing resort tax. According to the vice-president of Opora Rossii, Alexei Kozhevnikov, due to the increase in the cost of food and consumables, such as towels, linen, shampoos, as well as due to additional sanitary requirements for industry representatives over the past year, costs have increased by 20-25 percent. It is noted that Finance Minister Anton Siluanov considers the initiative inappropriate. In his opinion, a decrease in the VAT rate does not guarantee a reduction in the cost of services, and a

Поклонская не увидела сенсации в получении квартиры в Москве

Ранее издание «Важные истории»* опубликовало информацию о том, что Поклонской была предоставлена в собственность служебная квартира в Москве, был указан ее адрес. «Никакой сенсации в этом нет, как бы кто ни пытался это преподнести. Квартиру я получила впервые за двадцать лет службы в органах прокуратуры и власти», — сказала Поклонская РИА Новости. При этом она считает недопустимым с точки зрения личной безопасности разглашение места ее проживания, а саму публикацию назвала «попыткой опорочить». Поклонская с мая 2014 по октябрь 2016 года занимала должность прокурора Республики Крым. Затем была депутатов Госдумы РФ седьмого созыва. После окончания каденции была назначена послом РФ в Кабо-Верде. * СМИ, признанное в России иноагентом.

Russians with a salary of less than 20 thousand rubles massively collected mortgages

SberIndex: the share of low-income Russians with a mortgage has grown by 50 percent over two years Over the past two years, whose salary does not exceed 20 thousand rubles a month has grown by 50 percent. But the salary of a typical mortgage borrower is currently at the level of 60-100 thousand rubles, according to RBC with reference to the data of the SberIndex project. th reached 2.1 percent of the total number of mortgage borrowers. In 2019, it did not exceed one and a half percent. More than 80 percent of mortgage holders with an income of up to 40 thousand rubles live outside Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. As a rule, they choose inexpensive apartments (worth 2.4-2.7 million rubles), but make a large down payment. Experts believe that low-income borrowers are massively selling old housing to buy a new one, so they

Taxi driver in Liverpool locked a terrorist in a car and prevented murders

The Sun: Taxi driver in Liverpool could have prevented a terrorist attack by locking a suicide bomber in his car prevent taxi driver. He locked the alleged suicide bomber in his car and thus avoided a terrorist attack. Details of the British events are reported by the tabloid The Sun. According to preliminary reports, a driver named David Parry was able to stop the car, jump out and lock it before his passenger detonated an explosive device and died. He was probably going to attack the crowd gathered in the cathedral on Memorial Day, a date dedicated to the memory of those who fell in World War I. It was also reported that in Liverpool, three suspects were detained because hospital. According to the police, a passenger of the car died, the driver was hospitalized.

Ovechkin caught up with Datsyuk in the number of assists in the NHL

Ovechkin made two assists in the NHL game and caught up in the number of assists in Datsyuk's career two assists in the National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match against the Pittsburgh Penguins. This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting took place on the night of Monday, November 15, and ended with a score of 6: 1 in favor of the capital club. The goal and an assist were also scored by the Russian striker of the Capitals Evgeny Kuznetsov. Ovechkin brought the number of assists in the NHL to 604 and caught up with the former Detroit Red Wings striker Pavel Datsyuk. Now athletes share the fourth place by this indicator among all Russian hockey players. Sergey Fedorov is the best assistant among Russians in the NHL (696 passes). In second place is Evgeny Malkin (680), the top three is closed by Sergei Zubov (619).