The world was warned about the shortage and rise in price of wine

Roskachestvo predicted a rise in price of up to 30 percent of wines from Italy and France There is a deficit of more than five million liters on the world wine market. It may worsen in 2022 due to a general drop in the grape harvest in the world, warned in Roskachestvo. According to the department, in the first nine months of this year, imports of wine products in the world market increased by 23 percent (by 33 million liters), and sparkling wines and champagne – by 50 percent (30 million liters). At the same time, wine production fell by 70 million liters. According to forecasts of Roskachestvo, wines from Italy and France may rise in price by up to 30 percent due to rising gas prices in Europe (a contribution to the price of a glass bottle), prices for aluminum (capping cost) and Euro pallets, as well as due

The dollar has fallen

The dollar rate fell by 0.49 rubles at the opening of trading at the Moscow Exchange trading session on the Moscow Exchange on Monday, November 15, up to 72.4 rubles. The euro exchange rate was 82.98 rubles (minus 0.4 rubles). Bitcoin traded at $ 65,639.4 per coin (plus 1.28 percent).

Russian lawyer caught with drugs

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: in Saratov, the police found two bags of drugs with a lawyer during examination ward caught with drugs. This was reported to “” in the press service of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The investigation is being conducted under article 228 (“Illegal purchase and storage of narcotic drugs in large quantities”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the investigation, on Saturday afternoon, November 13, at the house on Tsvetochnaya Street, operatives of the anti-drug department stopped a 34-year-old man for inspection. During a check in the police department, two polymer bags with an unknown substance were found in the detainee's bag. The study showed that they contain a synthetic drug. It turned out that the Russian has the status of a lawyer, in connection with which the police transferred the materials to the TFR. The

Prominent Russian blogger ridiculed officials who received housing subsidies

Blogger Varlamov commented on the scandal with the allocation of money to civil servants for the purchase of apartments his program “Che Happens” on YouTube. He ridiculed civil servants, noting that those who received money in this way became “closer to the people.” needy, – said Varlamov. – We decided to try ourselves in the shoes of the people. How it happens – you become needy, and the state gives you 25-30 million for an apartment. ” The well-known blogger also touched upon the problem of providing veterans with apartments. “While civil servants are acquiring free apartments, our pensioners continue to die in queues for housing,” he said indignantly. “Everyone who received these benefits, they need not only to take away this housing and force them to somehow compensate, but also to initiate criminal proceedings,” concluded Varlamov. Earlier it became known that subsidies for housing were allocated 650 “needy” Russian

The Ministry of Digital Science named the number of Russian SIM-cards confirmed on “State Services”

Minnumbers: more than 13 million Russian SIM-cards have been confirmed on “Gosuslugi” SIM cards of Russians. This was reported on the website of the department. The Ministry said that 13.3 million corporate SIM-cards have been confirmed on the portal of state services since June 1, 2021. In order to register a corporate mobile number, you need to provide data on SIM cards to mobile operators, and then confirm the information on the portal of public services. The data must be submitted by November 30, the ministry said in a statement. The Ministry of Digital Communications sent out SMS to corporate customers of cellular communication with a reminder to submit subscriber information. Earlier it was reported that more than half of corporate mobile numbers Russians (16 million) may be disconnected from communication services after December 1. Disconnections may occur due to violation of the Law on Communications, which regulates the circulation

Another Asian country has opened borders for vaccinated tourists

Since November 15, Cambodia has opened borders for vaccinated foreign tourists vacationers. The newspaper Phnom Penh Post writes about this with reference to the instructions of the Prime Minister of the country, Hun Sen. It is specified that from November 15, foreign tourists vaccinated against COVID-19 will be able to enter the kingdom without compulsory observation of two weeks of isolation. “Cambodia is almost completely vaccinated, covering about 88 percent of the total population of about 16 million people. In this connection, quarantine is no longer required – with the exception of those who have not been vaccinated. They still need to undergo a 14-day quarantine, as before, “the politician said. In addition, the Prime Minister noted that upon arrival in the country, all travelers are required to pass a PCR test, after which they will be able to move freely through the territory of the state. Earlier it was

Отпуск станет длиннее: Теперь дни отдыха начнут считать по правилам 1930 года

Многие россияне не знают, но сейчас в России продолжительность рабочего дня и порядок расчёта отпуска регламентируются документами более чем столетней давности, в частности «Правилами об очередных и дополнительных отпусках», утверждёнными 30 апреля 1930 года, и декретом от 29 октября 1917 года «О восьмичасовом рабочем дне». Но при этом большинство остальных норм, касающихся трудовых правоотношений, содержатся в Трудовом кодексе (ТК РФ). Минтруд, по-видимому, решив, что такое положение дел не соответствует современным реалиям, подготовил законопроект, который должен перенести указанные нормы непосредственно в Трудовой кодекс РФ, увязав их со всем остальным действующим законодательством. При этом суть переносимых в ТК норм практически не изменится, а вот правила их применения должны позволить россиянам получить новые преимущества. Всё, что касается восьмичасового рабочего дня, остаётся неизменным, но с отпуском и компенсацией за неиспользованные дни в предлагаемых поправках есть изменения, и они будут для работников заметными. Во-первых, сейчас, согласно действующему законодательству, при подсчёте отработанных часов, дающих право на пропорциональный дополнительный отпуск или на компенсацию при увольнении, первые полмесяца работы вообще исключаются из подсчёта, считается только полный отработанный месяц. В тех поправках, что предлагает Минтруд, расчёты должны вестись по обратной методике. То есть при подсчёте дней отпуска округление до полного месяца должно производиться в пользу работника.

Co-founder of the group “Nogu svelo!” fired on in Moscow

An unknown person fired at the co-founder of the rock group “Nogu svelo!” Anton Yakomulsky and his wife An unknown person fired a gas pistol at the co-founder of the Russian rock group Nogu Svelo! Anton Yakomulsky in the center of Moscow. This was reported by the Moscow news agency with reference to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city. “On the evening of November 14, law enforcement agencies received information that a man born in 1969 and his spouse born in 1977 with chemical eye burns. It was established that at about 3:00 on November 13, an unknown person fired at a married couple from a gas pistol on Presnensky Val Street. The injured woman wrote a statement to the police in connection with the attack on her and her husband, “the police said. The press service also

The woman told the truth to her friend and ruined her holiday

A Reddit user told her friend about the party and ruined her party … The woman could not calmly watch Kate crying on her birthday, and told her the truth: her relatives decided to arrange a surprise party for her. “My friend Kate turned 25 last weekend. A few weeks before the holiday, her boyfriend Rob contacted me and asked me to help him throw a surprise party for the holiday. I was supposed to take Kate into town for lunch so the two of us celebrate her birthday while Rob and all the other friends are busy. But in fact, everyone is free and will be waiting for us at the restaurant. Rob rented a room in the restaurant and decorated it, “- said the author of the post. The woman could not keep it a secret. During the trip to town, Kate looked very sad. A friend complained