Многодетную россиянку признали самой красивой в мире

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Ксения Давыдова (@davydova_govorit) В конкурсной программе мать троих детей смогла обойти соперниц из Великобритании, Латвии, Кипра, Арубы, ОАЭ, Индии и Армении. Давыдова по образованию специалист по связям с общественностью. Она ведет активную общественную жизнь, в частности организовала благотворительный проект помощи семьям с детьми, которые попали в сложную ситуацию. Кроме того, она выступает амбассадором федерального проекта «Формирование комфортной городской среды» по благоустройству Петербурга, сообщает телеканал «Санкт-Петербург». По словам Давыдовой, в конкурсе она участвовала, потому что хотела представлять Россию в благотворительных и экологических проектах международного уровня. Ранее стало известно, что жительница Санкт-Петербурга Ксения Вербицкая победила в международном театрализованном конкурсе красоты для замужних женщин «Миссис Вселенная — 2020». Ксении Вербицкой 43 года, она мать четверых детей, занимается аргентинским танго и увлекается литературой. Еще больше интересного о людях

Russia refused to help tourism

Izvestia: The Cabinet of Ministers refused to reduce VAT to 10 percent for the tourism industry – for the inexpediency of this type of assistance. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the report of the Cabinet of Ministers for the head of state, which is at the disposal of the publication. According to the estimates of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), a reduction in VAT to 10 percent will not lead to a reduction in the cost of travel services for consumers. In addition, as a result of the tax reduction, the amount of annual losses from the budget will amount to more than 37.2 billion rubles – while in some cases the government will be forced to refund VAT to Russian tourism organizations, which, “in essence, will be a subsidy from the federal budget in the amount of VAT.” , indicated in the report. Related materials00: 10 –

In Poland, Chechens were accused of organizing the migration crisis

The Prosecutor's Office of Poland: charges of organizing illegal migration brought against Chechens They are accused of organizing the migration crisis on the border with Belarus. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to the Polish prosecutor's office. “The prosecutor of the Silesian Department for Organized Crime and Corruption of the General Prosecutor’s Office in Katowice sent another indictment in the case of the activities of an international organized criminal group that organized illegal border crossing by citizens countries of the Middle East “, – the agency quotes the statement of the department. According to the Polish prosecutor's office, the accused are two citizens of Russia and a citizen of Ukraine. The ministry also says that the drivers carrying migrants and the organizers who are illegally staying in the country are detained – two Russians of Chechen nationality. On November 11, the Russian embassy stated that it had not received any

The economist questioned the disconnection of millions of Russians from communication services

Kulbak economist: the state and companies will come to a compromise on gray SIM cards conversation with “Lenta.ru” that from December 1, several million corporate numbers of Russians will be disconnected. Earlier, Kommersant reported with reference to the general director of TMT Consulting Konstantin Ankilov that 16 million corporate mobile numbers may be disconnected from communication services due to violations of the Law “On Communications”. According to the amendments of December 2020, developed to combat gray SIM cards, corporate subscribers are required to enter information about end users of SIM cards into the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA) on the State Services portal. According to Kulbaki, the amendments to the Law “On Communications” indicate a mismatch between the actions of the state aimed at de-anonymizing market participants and companies for which it is not decisive. “It is important for corporate companies that the employee is constantly in touch, so

Space debris flew past the ISS

The debris that threatened the ISS flew past the station Space debris that could damage the International Space Station (ISS) flew past. Debris can disturb the station in an hour and a half. This is reported by TASS. During the negotiations of the station's crew with the Earth, it was noted that space debris flew past the ISS. Astronauts and ground services are discussing the possibility of returning the crew to the station. The ground service specialist noted that the next flight of debris could take place between 11:38 and 11:44 Moscow time. The cosmonauts were allowed to return to the ISS, but after an hour and a half, the station crew will transfer to the Soyuz spacecraft. p> Earlier, the Mission Control Center reported that the ISS could come close to space debris. The instruction assumes that the crew is on the ship during the approach of the station

Russia plans to increase punishment for air pollution 100 times

Izvestia: Rosprirodnadzor proposed to raise payments for environmental damage in 12 cities , conceived to punish if they do not reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 20 percent by 2024 – in accordance with the goals of the Clean Air project. For such factories, they can increase the payment for a negative impact on the environment, Izvestia writes with reference to the corresponding protocol of Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko. As the newspaper notes, Russian enterprises that significantly pollute air, water and soil , already pay for it. But Rosprirodnadzor as a punishment proposes to multiply the classic rates by 100. This measure can be applied to industries operating in Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Mednogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Cherepovets and Chita. p> Rosprirodnadzor sent its proposal to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Aleksandr Kobenko, a member of Delovaya Rossiya, found it difficult to assess what costs

Small business in Russia has set a historical anti-record

Vedomosti: the share of small business in total turnover in Russia fell to a record low 11.5% In the first half of 2021 the turnover of small business in Russia, according to Rosstat, amounted to 11.5 percent of the total volume of small, medium and large enterprises. This share has become a historical anti-record, the lowest value since 2008, when the statistical service began publishing such estimates, Vedomosti writes. In absolute terms, the turnover of small businesses increased by 18 percent compared to the same period in 2020 , up to 13.7 trillion rubles. But medium and large businesses increased their revenues even higher. The maximum share of small businesses in the total volume was in the first half of 2017 – 18.2 percent. As stated in the survey of the Institute for Integrated Strategic Research and Development (ICSI), the reason for this decline is the lack of government support

GTA source code posted online

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition code has appeared on the network The source code for the reissue of the iconic GTA parts has appeared on the network. This is reported by the publication DSOG. Journalists refer to an enthusiast under the nickname NationalPepper, who told about the find on his Twitter account. According to him, due to the peculiarities of the Nintendo Switch, which also released the reprinted versions of GTA, hackers managed to extract the internal data of the games. The author noticed that the network posted a code that includes scripts, hidden internal files, records of NPC replicas. The material says that this is the first serious leak related to Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition. At the same time, experts believe that modders and creators of alternative add-ons for GTA are unlikely to be able to use the information received,

Russian governor explained the need to get six vaccinations against COVID-19

The head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Komarova admitted that she took part in the COVID experiment vaccines against COVID-19 as a participant in an infection study. This is how she explained this need in an interview with Ura.ru. She noted that every time she was tested. In addition, the Russian governor expressed the hope that this would be beneficial in this way, including through the information that the research received. Komarova said that she decided to take part in the experiment, since she herself has children and grandchildren. Earlier it was reported that in October Komarova suffered a coronavirus. For two weeks she was in self-isolation and continued to work. The head of Ugra spoke about her vaccination in March 2021. In turn, the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that in a year and a half he had made six vaccinations against COVID-19. According to

Poland will build a wall on the border with Belarus

Polish Deputy Interior Minister Wonsik: a wall on the border with Belarus will be built in the first half of 2022 The Polish authorities intend to build a wall on the border with Belarus in the first half of 2022. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of the country Maciei Vonsik, RIA Novosti reports. The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs stressed that agreements on this issue have yet to be concluded. “It would be irresponsible to present any specific dates until the agreements have been signed,” he said. The politician noted that the night on the Polish-Belarusian border passed calmly, nothing special happened. At the same time, according to him, attempts were expected in Warsaw to break through migrants amid reports of the arrival of new groups of people to the camp near the Kuznitsa. Earlier it became known that Poland is discussing with