Народные приметы на 15 ноября: готовимся к холодам

15 ноября церковь чтит память преподобного Маркиана Кирского и Шуйско-Смоленскую икону Божьей Матери. В народе же наблюдают за погодой, чтобы понять, когда наступят морозы. Если на дорогах не замерзшая грязь — снега и мороза не будет до декабря. Небо затянуло тучами — к потеплению. Редкие облака или чистое небо — вскоре похолодает. Облака против ветра плывут — к снегопаду. Синицы и галки жмутся к домам — вскоре начнется снегопад и наступит зима. Если снегири поют — скоро наступят сильные морозы.

A popular comedian spoke about the blues due to participation in the “Game” show on TNT

Comedian Alexei Shcherbakov admitted that he has a blues due to participation in the “Game” show Popular Russian comedian, show participant “Game” on TNT Aleksey Shcherbakov admitted that from time to time he felt blues. He announced this in a conversation with stand-up artist Ilya Sobolev for the YouTube channel Glamor Russia. “You really need to just take it and think:“ A **** [why] are you sad? ” (…) Blues, everything is clear. I still have it when the “Game” is on TNT, you know? In short, you need to take time for yourself. We hardly live for ourselves, “he shared. Sobolev said that he can also be sad sometimes. According to the comedian, in this state, he can spend one week or two. “I'm playing a computer, trying to read something. Sometimes it just doesn't work out, and I'm sad, “he said. Earlier in an interview with journalist Yuri

Lukashenka said about Poland's interest in the conflict on the border

Lukashenko: Belarus does not want any conflict on the state border . “Our journalists and others correctly draw conclusions that Poland needs this conflict today. There are more than enough internal problems, problems with the European Union – and this crowd begins and already shooting at the state border, ”Lukashenka said at a meeting with the working group on finalizing the draft Constitution. At the same time, according to him, Minsk is not interested in the conflict. “I want to emphasize once again: we do not want any conflict on our state border. This is absolutely flawed for us, “Lukashenko said. On November 8, several thousand migrants from the Middle East approached the Polish border from the Belarusian side. They are trying to break into the territory of the European Union. Hundreds of people also gathered at the Belarusian-Lithuanian border. The West claims that Minsk deliberately organized the migration crisis

The Ministry of Finance proposed to sharply raise prices for vodka

The Ministry of Finance proposed to raise the minimum price for a bottle of vodka by 7.4%, to 261 rubles Starting January 1, 2022 for vodka should grow by 7.4 percent, from 243 to 261 rubles per bottle of half a liter. Such a proposal was made by the Ministry of Finance, the document was published on the federal portal of draft legal acts. The prices for cognac should rise no less sharply – by 7.6 percent, from 446 to 480 rubles for the same volume. The cost of the brandy will grow from 324 to 348 rubles. In August, the general director of Tatspirtprom Ruslan Maksudov indicated that since the beginning of the year the cost of vodka has grown by three percent, because everything that is used in the process is growing in price. production.

RFU Honorary President spoke about the devastation after the game with Croatia

RFU Honorary President Koloskov noted the selfless play of the Russian national team with Croatia devastation yourself. The honorary president of the Russian Football Union (RFU) Vyacheslav Koloskov told TASS about this. According to him, the Russians were out of luck, since a ridiculous goal was missed during a selfless game. He also stressed that the Croats were expected to win a landslide victory, but in practice the Russian national team did not have ten minutes to reach the World Cup. “Yes, the Croats had the initiative, there were several approaches and Matvey Safonov helped out a couple of times, but there were no one-hundred-percent chances – one-on-one or the ball hitting the post – none of that happened, ”added Koloskov. He also said that he felt a sense of lost hope. The Russians lost 0: 1 away to the Croats on Sunday, November 14. The defeat did not allow

More than 100 percent of Russians who took part in the census

The deputy head of Rosstat Smelov said that the number of people who rewritten in Russia exceeded 100 percent … Such preliminary data were provided by the deputy head of Rosstat Pavel Smelov in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper. He explained that this figure should not be intimidated, since at present it consists of an estimate of the population size according to the previous census, operational information a number of departments and contains a lot of errors. Smelov stressed that in the next two months, the data received “will be cleaned up,” and by the end of January Rosstat will announce the first preliminary results. The census has ended in Russia population. It was held from October 15 to November 14, 2021. The procedure was supposed to be organized back in 2020, but due to the pandemic it had to be postponed. Earlier, the head of the Federal State

Putin canceled Yeltsin's decree

Putin changed the list of regions equated to the Far North … The corresponding document was published on the portal of legal information. According to the posted document, from January 1, 2022, the decree of December 20, 1993, by which certain regions of Karelia were equated to living conditions in the Far North, is canceled. This was done as part of the changes in the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone. In addition, Komi, Buryatia and the Komi-Permyat Autonomous District of the Perm Territory were removed from the corresponding list. Earlier, the Russian leader signed a decree on the approval of the foundations of state policy in the field of strategic planning in the country. We are talking about a set of measures that are aimed at determining, taking into account national interests, long-term goals of socio-economic development.

Lithuania named the date for the introduction of new sanctions against Belarus

Lithuanian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs: the EU will impose new sanctions against Minsk within a week the possible date for the introduction of new sanctions against Belarus, Delfi reports. On Monday, November 15, the foreign ministers of the EU countries plan to resolve the issue of new sanctions against Minsk due to the migration crisis that arose on the border with Poland and Lithuania … The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that the restrictions will affect air carriers, travel agencies and officials associated with the delivery of migrants to Belarus. According to Pranckyavicius, there are “about 30 subjects” in the primary list to be discussed by the ministers. He added that the sanctions will take effect within a week. Related materials 00:01 – May 30 “For Moscow, this came as a surprise. ”The West intends to impose sanctions against Belarus. How will they harm Russia? 00:15 –

Friends told about a Russian teenager who abused a child in an orphanage

Acquaintances of a teenager who abused a child in the Kurgan region: he helped everyone over the child, helped everyone. The acquaintances of a 16-year-old young man told about this, according to the Telegram channel Ural Mash. According to his peers, the minor found a common language with everyone in the orphanage, sometimes he was left to look after the children. Friends of the Russian teenager claim that he allegedly mocked the boy for the first time. Anyone who wanted to talk to him about this was threatened by the pupil of the orphanage. “I didn’t know (…) that it would end up somewhere,” the teenager himself said. Earlier, a video appeared on the network where inmates of an orphanage mocked a boy. They kicked and punched him on the stomach, forced him to smoke and taught him to swear. In the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs