New Samsung smartphones revealed

Samsung intends to bring 67 million smartphones to the market in 2022 Samsung will release 52 smartphones in 2022. This is reported by The Elec. The journalists of the publication made this conclusion after studying the supply plan, which was at the disposal of the editorial office. It follows from it that the release of 52 new smartphones is planned for 2022 – in total, the company intends to ship 67 million units to the market. The new year will begin for the Korean corporation with the release of the flagship Galaxy S22 series. Thus, the number of deliveries of the base model Galaxy S22 will amount to 14 million, Galaxy S22 + – 8 million, Galaxy S22 Ultra – 11 million units. From the disclosed report it follows that the company also intends to put new folding devices on the market: 2.9 million Galaxy Z Fold 4, 6.9 million

Lukashenka is interested in the opinion of Belarusians on the new Constitution

Lukashenko suggested conducting a sociological study on the constitutional reform In the process of developing the document, it is necessary to conduct a large-scale sociological study. This proposal was made by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with a working group on finalizing the draft of the basic law, BelTA informs. According to him, it is important for the authorities to know the opinion of citizens, and not only on the subject of constitutional reform, but also on other topical issues. “I think it is also necessary to conduct a large-scale sociological study on this topic, covering various regions and strata of the population. As we did on the eve of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, ”Lukashenka stressed. The Belarusian leader added that the draft Constitution should be finalized as soon as possible, eliminating all contradictions on the proposals put forward by the Constitutional Commission. Against the background of

In the suburbs, they are preparing to build a new toll highway

“Kommersant”: driving a kilometer along a paid backup of the Yegoryevskoe highway will cost 12 rubles one of the busiest roads in the region. Writes about this “Kommersant” with reference to the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport. Concession agreement between the regional authorities and LLC “M.E.T.K.” for the construction of the road will be concluded until December 2021. In 2019, the project of the 36-kilometer route was estimated at 32.3 billion rubles. Due to the rise in prices for building materials, inflation and the need to relocate communications on the new section of the road and Russian Railways networks, the estimate has grown to 60 billion rubles. Traveling one kilometer along the Egoryevskoye Highway backup will cost 12 rubles for cars and from 18 to 48 rubles for trucks. Yegoryevskoe highway starts from Lyubertsy and ends in Kasimov (Ryazan region). In the Moscow region, a highway with two lanes in

38 420 cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

In Russia, 38 420 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the previous day, 38 420 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of infections in the country since the beginning of the pandemic was 9,109,094. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Monday, November 15. A day earlier, 38,823 cases of infection were registered in the country.

The world was predicted a shortage of cars

Izvestia: the world may soon face a shortage of cars due to a lack of magnesium due to the lack of one of the key components of raw materials – magnesium, produced mainly in China. The situation is largely related to the new environmental policy of the country's leadership. Since the fall of 2021, the authorities of some provinces in China have begun to impose new requirements on industrial enterprises aimed at reducing the use of non-environmentally friendly coal, primarily for electricity generation. This led to supply disruptions. This policy has already affected magnesium mining and production. They have cut supplies to consumers. At the same time, China accounts for about 90 percent of the world production of this metal and about 95 percent of the EU's imports. Many large aluminum producers have already announced a shortage of raw materials, which are magnesium. In addition, the situation may negatively affect

Trump will lose a hotel near the White House

WSJ: Trump's hotel near the White House will be sold for $ 375 million The Wall Street Journal writes about the sale of one of the chain hotels for $ 375 million. The Trump International Hotel in question is located next to the White House in Washington, which was occupied by Trump in 2017-2021 … The buyer will be CGI Merchant Group, an investment company based in Miami. CGI plans to strip the hotel of its former sign with the name of the former president: the facility will be transferred under the management of the Hilton chain. The Trump organization, CGI Merchant and Hilton have not yet commented on the deal. It is known that the Trump Hotel in Washington at one time served as one of the venues for the events of the Republican Party. It is the second tallest structure in the city after the 169-meter Washington Monument.

EU will tighten personal sanctions against Belarus

German Foreign Minister Maas: The European Union will tighten personal sanctions against Minsk Belarus, and will also consider sectoral restrictions. This was stated by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, TASS reports. The diplomat noted that the EU does not see an alternative to a tough position against Minsk, since the Belarusian side contributes to the aggravation of the situation with migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border. Earlier it became known that the EU plans to impose sanctions against the National Airport of Minsk and the Minsk Hotel due to the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. According to the Financial Times, the sanctions list will be finalized over the course of several weeks, as the union is coordinating its response with allies. Prior to that, the official representative of the EU's foreign policy service Peter Stano said that the new restrictions against Minsk will affect everyone involved to the “dirty, inhuman

Terminally ill man stops treatment for fun and partying with friends

The terminally ill Briton refused treatment and began planning his own funeral Essex, gave up treatment for fun and one last party with friends. The story of the Briton is published by the Daily Mirror. In 2018, Russ Pegrum was diagnosed with bowel cancer and was prescribed chemotherapy. In September, doctors told the Briton that he had no more than a couple of months to live. Then the man decided to stop treatment and enjoy the remaining time. Related materials 00:03 – March 27, 2020 “Sex is good a way to forget about the disease »The story of a terminally ill woman who slept with a hundred men and found herself00:02 – 21 November 2018 Death will wait the last days to the fullest. An incredible happens to them.Pegrum admitted that he began to feel much better, the last months were the happiest in his life. “Since I quit chemotherapy,

Израиль отложил открытие страны для привитых «Спутником V» российских туристов

Туристы из России, привитые двумя дозами вакцины «Спутник V» не более полугода назад, смогут въезжать в Израиль не с 15 ноября, а с 1 декабря, говорится в совместном заявлении министерств здравоохранения и туризма, а также канцелярии премьера Израиля. «В связи с обнаруженными трудностями технического и юридического характера в существующей процедуре въезда для иностранных туристов, въезд туристов, вакцинированных Спутником V, станет возможен с 01.12.21», — говорится в документе (цитата по ТАСС). В нем отмечается, что в срок до 1 декабря будет налажена синхронизация систем и завершены юридические формулировки и обязательства, чтобы механизм въезда работал без недоразумений. «Решено, что с 15.11.21 Израиль официально признает российскую вакцину “Спутник V”, — подчеркивается в заявлении. В нем уточняется, что две недели назад власти страны разрешили въезд туристов, привитых вакцинами, признанными ВОЗ. А успехи Израиля в вакцинации населения и низкая заболеваемость COVID-19 позволили премьер-министру Нафтали Беннету, министру здравоохранения Ницану Горовицу и министру туризма Йоэлю Развозову снять допограничения и открыть границы и для туристов, вакцинированных «Спутником V», и для получивших положительный результат тестов на антитела. Израиль был закрыт для туризма с марта 2020 года. В мае этого года страна в рамках пилотного проекта открыла границы для организованных иностранных тургрупп, полностью вакцинированных одобренными в США препаратами. С 19 сентября Израиль разрешил