Pashinyan announced the invasion of Azerbaijan's troops in Armenia

“Since & nbsp; yesterday we & nbsp; in & nbsp; this composition in & nbsp; held several meetings and & nbsp; The subject of discussion was the fact of the invasion of Azerbaijani troops into & nbsp; the territory of the Republic of Armenia on & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; eastern sections of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Pashinyan said at a & nbsp; meeting of the Security Council of Armenia (quoted by & nbsp; 'Interfax'). On November 13, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that & nbsp; Armenian armed forces fired at positions of the Azerbaijani army in & nbsp; Kalbajar region. In & nbsp; turn, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia reported that & nbsp; Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire on & nbsp; Armenian positions located in & nbsp; Gegharkunik region. The conflict between Armenia and & nbsp; Azerbaijan in & nbsp; Nagorno-Karabakh

Virologist spoke about the pros and cons of an intravenous drug from COVID-19

Virologist Netesov about Areplivir: an intravenous drug acts faster than tablets on the pros and cons of the domestic intravenous candidate antiviral drug used for COVID-19. Earlier it became known that the first domestic injectable drug for the treatment of direct-acting coronavirus was registered in Russia. It is called “Areplivir” (international non-proprietary name “Favipiravir” – approx. “” ) and will be admitted to hospitals by the end of 2021. that when you take a pill, it begins to act in about an hour or two due to the fact that it has to get into the stomach and intestines, dissolve, seep through the walls, and only after that it starts to do its job. The drugs that are administered intravenously act almost immediately, as they enter the bloodstream and quickly spread throughout the body, “Netesov spoke about the advantages of the intravenous drug. However, the virologist noted that there are

Nabiullina called the timing of the key rate cut

Central Bank of the Russian Federation: a return to the neutral level of the key rate will occur in mid-2023 speeches in the State Duma, RIA Novosti reports. The Central Bank intends to keep the key rate above the neutral range of 5-6 percent at least until mid-2023. “The return to the neutral level of the key rate – this is 5-6 percent, let me remind you – will not happen until mid-2023,” Nabiullina said. According to her, keeping the rate above neutral is necessary for a steady slowdown in inflation.

Evaluated the effectiveness of a popular drug against COVID-19

Favipiravir has been shown to be ineffective against COVID-19 in clinical trials Avigan (failed to show) its effectiveness in treating patients with mild to moderate severity of COVID-19. This was reported in a statement by the clinical trial company Appili. The third phase of the PRESECO (PREventing SEvere COVID-19) double-blind, randomized clinical trial enrolled 1,231 coronavirus patients from Brazil, Mexico and the United States. All of them soon – no more than 72 hours later – after a positive PCR test were offered to take the pills at home under the supervision of researchers. clinical recovery, Appili said in a statement. “While we are disappointed with the results of the PRESECO study, we remain firmly convinced that safe and effective oral antiviral drugs are urgently needed in patients struggling with COVID-19. We would like to thank all the patients who participated [in the study], and we hope that the information

The State Duma proposed to raise the price of vodka to 500 rubles

State Duma Deputy Sultan Khamzayev proposed to raise the price of vodka in Russia to 500 rubles up to 500 rubles. He told the radio station “Moscow speaking” about this. According to him, the price must be high in order to fight counterfeiting on the market. “The minimum price for vodka should be 500 rubles and there should be a tough fight against counterfeit products,” he said. Khamzayev stressed that at present “the whole game with the determination of the minimum price for vodka is profanation and props.” Earlier, the Ministry of Finance came up with an initiative to increase the minimum price for vodka. From January 1, 2022, the minimum retail prices for vodka are expected to grow by 7.4 percent, from 243 to 261 rubles per half-liter bottle. In addition, prices for cognac will rise by 7.6 percent, from 446 to 480 rubles for the same volume. The

Tenants of apartments in Moscow were left without discounts

“INCOM-Real Estate”: there are two times less cheap apartments in Moscow than those who want to rent them rental housing supply decreased by 32 percent, for the year – by 47 percent. Currently, the number of the cheapest options is two times less than those who want to rent them, according to the materials of the agency “INKOM-Real Estate” provided to “”. As noted by realtors, in the fall of 2021, the lower the threshold for the rental value of an apartment in old Moscow has risen by 50 percent, from 20 thousand rubles in August to 30 thousand in October. A return to the previous prices in the segment of low-cost housing is unlikely, they say. According to the observations of experts, Muscovites left tenants without discounts: discounts are not provided for in the mass rental market. On the contrary, landlords increase rental rates by 5-15 percent, and not

Putin canceled Yeltsin's decree

So, the head of state canceled the decree from & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; December 1993, according to which certain areas of Karelia were equated to living conditions & nbsp; in the & nbsp; Far North. Removed from the & nbsp; list Komi, Buryatia and & nbsp; Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug of the Perm Territory. The decision was made in & nbsp; in accordance with & nbsp; a change in the Strategy for the development of the Arctic zone and & nbsp; ensuring national security for & nbsp; the period up to & nbsp; 2035. Putin approved the Strategy last year. The document defines measures aimed at & nbsp; development of the Arctic region and & nbsp; ensuring national security.