Two technologies to develop drugs to interrupt the development of COVID-19 named

Immunologist Chepurnov spoke about the development in Russia of a drug against COVID-19 based on RNA Immunologist Alexander Chepurnov named two technologies for the development of drugs for coronavirus that can interrupt the development of infection in the early stages. In particular, protease inhibitors are being tested in the United States and have shown themselves to be quite effective. The second technology – a preparation based on small interfering RNAs – is being investigated in Russia. Chepurnov called it the newest and said in an interview with that there is no data on its effectiveness yet. Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko said that the development of a domestic drug that could interrupt development is nearing completion in Russia coronavirus. According to him, no country in the world has a cure for coronavirus. The Minister stressed that a drug developed in Russia will be able

Peskov said about the difficulties in providing Donbass with vaccines against coronavirus

“Ukraine does not & nbsp; offer to provide Donbass with vaccines, which & nbsp; concerns the Russian Federation & nbsp; & mdash; in the & nbsp; plan of humanitarian aid & nbsp; the Russian Federation will do everything possible & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. With this, a Kremlin spokesman confirmed the existence of difficulties with & nbsp; providing Donbass with vaccines.

Sberbank has launched a mortgage for mortgaged apartments

Sberbank will simplify the process of selling mortgaged housing Sberbank has launched a special mortgage lending program for citizens wishing to buy an apartment or apartments in the primary housing market that are pledged by the bank. This is reported on the website of the credit institution. The purchase procedure is simple, it is noted in the message: the seller and the buyer conclude an agreement on the assignment of rights of claim under an agreement for participation in shared construction (DDU), then the bank draws up a letter with consent to alienate the object and the subsequent registration of the mortgage. The seller's debt on the mortgage is repaid after the submission of a registered agreement from Rosreestr. The mortgage rate under the program is from 7.9 percent per annum. The bank points out that mortgage holders are increasingly faced with the need to sell an apartment that is

Pashinyan announced the invasion of Azerbaijani troops into Armenia

Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan announced the invasion of Azerbaijani troops in the east Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that on Sunday, November 14, Azerbaijani troops invaded the territory of the republic on one of the sections of the border. reports this on November 15. Pashinyan convened the Security Council. “Since yesterday, in this composition, we have held several meetings and discussions in different formats. The subject of discussion was the fact of the invasion of Azerbaijani troops into the territory of the Republic of Armenia on one of the eastern sections of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, “the prime minister said and promised to provide the public with all information about the events. In September 2020, fighting began between Azerbaijan and unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic supported by Armenia. The parties accused each other of provocation. The ceasefire was reached on November 9 through the mediation of Moscow. As a result of

Austria urged the EU to send a signal to Russia to prevent escalation in Ukraine

Austrian Foreign Ministry: the EU should send a signal to Russia to return to a peaceful situation in Ukraine The European Union (EU) should send Russia a clear signal to prevent further escalation of the situation in Ukraine. This statement was made by the head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Michael Linhart, TASS reports. According to the diplomat, the situation in eastern Ukraine is critical, and it is necessary to send signals in order to return to a peaceful state and avoid complications. Earlier, the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, called on the parties to the conflict in Ukraine “not to add fuel to the fire.” Nevertheless, he assessed the current situation in eastern Ukraine as calm and noted that the EU is in close contact with Kiev. In July 2021, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights named the total number of victims of the

The founder of Mediazona was put on the wanted list on suspicion of a criminal offense

Ministry of Internal Affairs: the founder of “Mediazona” Petr Verzilov has been put on the wanted list Founder of “Mediazona” performing the functions of a foreign agent ) Petr Verzilov ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent ) was put on the wanted list on suspicion of a criminal offense. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Verzilov was arrested in South Sudan on January 13.

The Kremlin responded to the statement of the State Department on the migration crisis

Peskov: US Secretary of State Blinken's interpretation of the migration crisis is incorrect the Polish-Belarusian border and the involvement of the Russian side in it. This is reported by TASS. “I would like to remind you of the recent statement by [President Vladimir] Putin, where he said unequivocally that he absolutely ruled out the possibility of any involvement of Russia in the situation with migrants. The situation on the border is not created by Lukashenka either, ”Peskov said. He noted that the interpretation of the situation by the State Department is incorrect and it is also wrong to place all the blame on the Belarusian president. This is how the Kremlin responded to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who said that the crisis with migrants in Belarus was an attempt by Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko to distract attention from the actions of Russia on the border with Ukraine. Since

Kremlin stood up for Lukashenka

Peskov: it is wrong to place all the blame in the situation on the border of Belarus and Poland on Lukashenka the border of Belarus and Poland on the Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko. Thus, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stood up for the president, TASS reports. According to him, in general, the migration crisis that has arisen between the states is also not created by Lukashenka. “Yes, they are arriving. , using the visa-free regime, they want to get asylum in Europe, they are not given. They are not allowed in, but the people who fly there know very well that in cases with other countries they have accepted migrants, “the press secretary explained. On November 14, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in a conversation with his Polish counterpart Zbigniew Rau said that the crisis with migrants in Belarus is an attempt by Lukashenka to divert attention from Russia's actions

The Kremlin spoke about the decline in inflation

Peskov: the priority for the president and the government is to reduce inflation The priority for the president and the government is now the issue of reducing inflation in Russia, the Kremlin said. This was announced by the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS. “I would like to remind you that, indeed, the question of the earliest possible return of inflation to the target zone is a priority for the head of state and for the cabinet of ministers on his behalf. We are constantly working on this, ”he commented.