Political Scientist Declares Lukashenka's Loss in Migration Campaign

Political scientist Bolkunets: Lukashenka’s migration campaign is lost, the EU will not talk to him achieved, new reputational and economic losses have arisen, said political scientist Dmitry Bolkunets. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, he noted that the head of state is trying to get out of this story without losing face, but he fails: it became finally clear that the EU would not talk to him. Iraq plans to send the first flight to return home citizens trying to break into the EU through the Polish-Belarusian border, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic said. The party is lost Bolkunets recalled that the EU authorities have already taken a number of measures to stop the flow of migrants to Belarus from the Middle East. “Official Minsk will try to get out of the game without losing face among the nomenklatura, especially the security forces,” the political scientist believes.

Doctor of Military Sciences spoke about possible military operations in Armenia

Doctor of Military Sciences Sivkov: if a war starts in Armenia, Russia will defend it military actions and Azerbaijan will invade its territory, Russia, according to the Collective Security Treaty, will have to defend the country, said Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, he added that a provocation option aimed at drawing Russia into an open confrontation is not ruled out. Earlier, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that on November 14, Azerbaijani troops invaded the country at one of the sections of the border. You can wait for anything Sivkov noted that at the moment it is necessary to wait for further information in order to understand exactly where the emergency occurred. “If Azerbaijani troops really invaded the territory of Armenia, the country will have to submit a request to the CSTO, and Russia will come out in its defense. But you also need

The woman was afraid for the safety of her husband and did not inform him about the sudden wealth

An Englishwoman hid the lottery win from her husband for fear that he would get into an accident lottery two million pounds (193.7 million rubles) and hid the news of her sudden wealth from her husband, as she was afraid for his safety on the road. This is reported by the Daily Star. Andrea Lowe, 43, is married to Mike, 50. The woman said that the last year and a half have been very difficult for them: many relatives have died due to the pandemic. “It was incredibly difficult. We realized how important it is to create shared memories, she admitted. Recently, while lying in bed, a woman checked her personal account on the lottery website and saw that she had won a large sum. The Englishwoman was so shocked that she did not know what to do. “I did not immediately inform Mike about the win for fear that

The number of collectors dangerous for Russians has been counted

FSSP: nine Russian collection agencies fell into the significant risk category on the data of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). This is 7.2 percent of the total number of companies listed in the register of professional collectors. Collectors who have grossly violated the main law in the field of collection are classified as high-risk at least once a year. Such violations, for example, include the use of physical force against debtors, threats, destruction or damage to property, as well as contact with Russians after they were declared bankrupt. According to the FSSP, nine legal entities fell into the category of significant risk, and the average (repeated violation of the rules for the frequency of visits and calls) is five. In general, the share of collection companies that are dangerous for Russians, to which bailiffs have claims, is 10.6 percent of the total. Earlier, the State Duma passed a law prohibiting

Volochkova's assistant explained rumors about the eviction of a drunk ballerina from a hotel in Turkey

Anastasia Volochkova's press secretary denied the ballerina's eviction from a hotel in Turkey about the eviction of a drunken artist from a Turkish hotel. REN TV reports this. “Anastasia Volochkova was not kicked out of a hotel in Turkey. She will not give comments on this matter. She left for three days to visit her friends. Should they have kicked her out of the hotel? ” – explained Gerasimova's rumors. Earlier in November, it was reported that Volochkova was evicted from a Turkish hotel due to inappropriate behavior after drinking alcohol. According to eyewitnesses, one evening the ballerina got drunk and began to be rude to the staff and to speak obscenely towards other vacationers, including children. According to model and singer Anna Kalashnikova, who was present at the event, Volochkova arrived at Turkey to the international forum International Congress Prosperity as a guest star.

Pope thanked journalists for publications about pedophile priests

Pope Francis thanked reporters for information about sex scandals in the church and other sex scandals in the church. According to him, finding information and fighting fakes is the mission of journalists, Reuters reports. “Thank you for telling us what is wrong with the Church, that you do not allow it to be swept under the rug. that you give a platform to victims of violence, “the agency quotes him. The speech was dedicated to rewarding correspondents who have covered Vatican-related issues for many years – in particular, sex scandals. Earlier in 2021, it was reported that a priest convicted of child sexual abuse in the UK continued to work in the church for 25 years after the sentencing.

Sales of finished apartments collapsed in Moscow

Rosreestr: October 2021 was 1.2 times lower than last year's in secondary housing sales 14.85 thousand transfer of rights on the basis of contracts for the sale (exchange) of housing. The indicator reflecting the dynamics of the sale of secondary apartments, compared with the September level, increased by 1.2 percent, according to the report of the Moscow administration of Rosreestr, received by the editorial office of Lenta.ru. But in annual terms, the sale of “secondary housing “In the capital fell by 19 percent, the registrars calculated. “In monthly terms, October of the current year is 1.2 times lower than the previous one,” the Federal Registration Service notes. – But then, starting in September, each reporting period we recorded records: Muscovites realized the deferred demand after self-isolation and rushed to arrange apartments before the price went up. After the launch of the preferential mortgage program, prices for second-hand housing began to

Biden's administration says it won't try to change China

WASHINGTON, November 15 & nbsp;/TASS /. The US authorities will not & nbsp; try to change China through bilateral interaction, because they do not & nbsp; consider it possible. & Nbsp; This was reported on & nbsp; Sunday by a high-ranking representative of the US administration, speaking at a special telephone briefing for & nbsp; journalists, which was dedicated to the upcoming virtual meeting of US President Joe Biden and & nbsp; President of the People's Republic of China Xi & nbsp; Jinping. > & nbsp; I would like to emphasize that, unlike & nbsp; & nbsp; previous approaches in & nbsp; policy towards & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; China, the Biden administration is not & nbsp; trying to change China through two-way interaction, & nbsp; & mdash; noted this employee. & mdash; & nbsp; We & nbsp; don't & nbsp; think that & nbsp; is realistic. Instead, we

Ukraine again received military assistance from the United States

The United States supplied 80,000 kilograms of ammunition to Ukraine million dollars, which the presidents of the two countries Joe Biden and Vladimir Zelensky agreed on in August. This was reported by the press service of the US Embassy in Kiev on Facebook. According to the diplomatic mission, this was the fourth delivery of weapons to the republic, which “demonstrates the US commitment to the success of a stable, democratic and free Ukraine.” Diplomats noted that since 2014, Ukraine has received more than $ 2.5 billion in defense assistance from the United States. Earlier, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the White House will work with the US Congress with aim to guarantee the continuation of the provision of military assistance to Ukraine. He noted that the United States will supply Ukraine with the systems that the country needs, including lethal defensive weapons. At the same time, the