Иммунитет для антиваксера: где прививаются владельцы поддельных сертификатов

Сертификаты о вакцинации против коронавируса ввели в России 1 января 2021 года. Информацию о каждом привившемся в государственной поликлинике стали заносить в специальный регистр. На тот момент сертификаты были только подтверждением прививки, но уже через две недели, например, в Башкирии стали планировать выдачу «ковид-паспортов», которые должны были предоставлять людям с иммунитетом преимущества по сравнению с непривитыми. А с середины июня, после очередного подъема заболеваемости, в Москве ввели обязательную вакцинацию некоторых категорий работников и цифровые сертификаты с QR-кодом, дающие право посещать рестораны и кафе. 11 ноября стало известно, что правительство разработало поправки о введении обязательных QR-кодов в общественных местах и при поездках на поездах и самолетах в качестве «экстренной меры». Одновременно с ужесточением контроля за посещением многолюдных мест развивалась и подпольная система торговли поддельными сертификатами и разворачивалась борьба с ней. Так, во втором полугодии 2021-го сотрудники полиции возбудили более 500 уголовных дел за распространение поддельных медицинских документов, связанных с COVID-19, сообщается на сайте МВД. Как получают настоящие сертификаты без фактических прививок? Врач или фельдшер медучреждения, в котором проходит вакцинация и имеющий доступ к системе учета вакцинации, просто вводил в нее полученные данные пациента, а дозу вакцины уничтожал. Покупатель получал QR-код на портале «Госуслуги». Амнистия для антиваксера В октябре

GTA predicted the fate of Cyberpunk 2077

Gamers called the GTA remaster “the new Cyberpunk 2077” due to numerous problems Social media users demanded a refund from Rockstar for the GTA remaster. This is reported by the Nintendo Life edition. Journalists drew attention to a large number of complaints from gamers who purchased the games of the remaster of GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition. Many users were unhappy with the numerous problems in new games and demanded that Rockstar return the money spent on titles. In this regard, the authors called the release of the reissue of the iconic GTA parts a failure and predicted the fate of Cyberpunk 2077 for games. At the end of 2020, CD Projekt RED discovered a large number of issues, due to which the creators of the title had to launch a campaign for a refund for the purchase and apologize to gamers. “Incomplete, bugged game launches have become

The political scientist assessed the likelihood of Russia's exclusion from international organizations

Political scientist Salin: Russia will not dare to exclude from international organizations at the request of Poland Poland's call to exclude Russia from international organizations and remove from sports competitions. Earlier, a similar measure against the background of the refugee crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border was proposed by Polish Deputy Prime Minister Robert Glinsky, whose statement was published by the Polska Times. According to Salin, Poland's statement is a demonstration of the whip from the West. “Most likely, the West will try to play the same combination that Russia is playing in relation to it in the case of the migration crisis. That is, there is a frontman of the migration crisis, on whom all accusations are poured – this is Belarus, and there is a player who largely influences the actions of this frontman – this is Russia. The West is now trying to build a mirror image of

Posner wanted tough measures against COVID-19

TV presenter Vladimir Pozner supported tougher coronavirus restrictions in Russia Russia. The journalist stated this in an interview with the Telegram channel “Radiotochka NSN.” in Russia. For example, according to him, you cannot enter any public place abroad, including public transport, without a QR code. “This is how people are told, or you accept it, do it and live like a normal person, or every 48 hours you do a PCR, with this you can walk too. Or you don’t, then you don’t go anywhere. I am a supporter of such a tough measure, “- said the TV presenter. Earlier, Posner commented on the proposal of President Vladimir Putin to refuse mandatory vaccination. The TV presenter said he was in favor of compulsory vaccination against COVID-19. At the same time, it should not be compulsory at the legislative level. He proposed creating conditions in Russia under which it would be

NATO Secretary General explained troops in the east as defense from Russia

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: the alliance keeps troops in the east for defensive purposes NATO troops in the east of the alliance, including in the Black Sea, held for the purpose of defense, they do not pose a threat to the Russian side. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following talks in Brussels with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, RIA Novosti writes. “We have been present in the east of the alliance since 2014. This presence is exclusively defensive in nature and does not threaten Russia, “the agency quotes the secretary general. At the same time, Stoltenberg stressed that, according to NATO's position, there is now an” unusual concentration of Russian military “at the border with Ukraine. and this raises concerns. Earlier on the same day, it was reported that Stoltenberg assessed the prospects for Ukraine's accession to NATO and spoke about plans to cooperate with Kiev.

The lawyer of the accused of treason Safronov appeared in the wanted list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Lawyer Pavlov, defending Safronov in the treason case, is included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted list Lawyer Ivan Pavlov ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the list of media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent ), representing the interests of the adviser to the head of Roscosmos Ivan Safronov in the high treason case, appeared in the wanted list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This is reported by TASS with reference to the department's card index. Ivan Yuryevich Pavlov, born in 1971, is wanted under the article of the Criminal Code of Russia, noted in the database. On October 28, the lawyer in his Telegram channel said that he was put on the wanted list in the case of disclosing the data of the investigation. He learned about this from his client Safronov, who was told by the investigator.

Lukashenko and Putin discussed the “filthy NATO” in the Black Sea

Lukashenko discussed with Putin how the US and NATO behave “disgustingly” in the Black Sea , as evidenced by the US and NATO maneuvers in the Black Sea. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with a working group on finalizing the draft basic law. The politician noted that he had discussed this issue with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. “The Americans and NATO are behaving disgustingly in the Black Sea. The situation is especially heated for us. But we are not boys to succumb to these incomprehensible gestures, “Lukashenko stressed. On November 15, the flagship of the US Sixth Fleet Mount Whitney began the transition from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean after it completed the exercises with NATO partners. The exercises off the coast of Romania were attended by ships of the US Navy, Turkey, Romania and Ukraine. As explained by the head of

Thief in law Dzhambulsky, accused of creating an organized criminal group, refused a jury trial

Thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky refused jury in the Supreme Court of Tatarstan known as thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky, refused a jury trial. This was reported on Monday, November 15, by tatar-inform. The defendant announced his decision during the preliminary hearing in the criminal case in the Supreme Court of the Republic. It is noteworthy that earlier he himself filed a petition for the consideration of his case by a jury. Dzhambulsky is accused of creating an organized criminal group, fraud, extortion, as well as under Article 210.1 (“Occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A criminal case against Dzhambulsky was opened on June 2, 2020. Together with the thief in law, his alleged accomplices were detained – a 41-year-old previously convicted deputy head of a Chistopol company eight times and a 34-year-old three-time convicted builder. According to the investigation,

United Russia candidates won the majority of seats in the November 14 elections

In Komi and Sverdlovsk Oblast, municipal elections have ended In Komi and Sverdlovsk Oblast, municipal elections have ended, as a result of which candidates from the United Russia party received a total of most of the vacant seats. In a number of cases, self-nominated candidates also won. Following the election of deputies to the council of the Guryevka rural settlement in Komi, six candidates from the United Russia party and one self-nominated candidate received the required number of votes. “The winning candidates have earned recognition and recognition among the residents of rural settlements for their socially significant activities. They contribute to education, improvement of local territories, carry out cultural and educational work. The result does not raise any questions, “- said the executive director of the Public Chamber of the Komi Republic Alexandra Afonina following the election. A public observer was in charge of the voting. Six people from the

Festival of culture of the peoples of Dagestan was held in Veliky Novgorod

At the festival of culture of the peoples of Dagestan in Veliky Novgorod, they told about the history of the region , the festival of culture of the peoples of Dagestan was held. This was reported by TASS. The event was timed to coincide with the centenary of the formation of the Dagestan ASSR. The guests of the festival were Minister for National Policy and Religious Affairs of Dagestan Enrik Muslimov, Adviser to the Minister Magomed Magomedov and Hero of Russia Zagid Zagidov. Visitors were presented with an exhibition about the history, traditions and culture of Dagestan and were shown traditional costumes of residents of the republic, as well as told about the crafts and national cuisine of the Caucasian people. As noted in the press service of the Novgorod region, the main goal of the festival is to strengthen civil unity and harmonize interethnic relations. “We have something to