Taliban are too slow to fulfill promises, Kabulov said

On & nbsp; Monday, Kabulov held a meeting in & nbsp; Moscow with & nbsp; US Special Representative for Afghanistan > '(Taliban) try to comply, but & nbsp; too slow & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Kabulov, answering the & nbsp; question, are Moscow satisfied with the way the Taliban keep their promises. In early August, the Taliban stepped up their offensive against the & nbsp; government forces of Afghanistan, and on August 15 entered & nbsp; Kabul and & nbsp ; on & nbsp; the next day, they said that & nbsp; the war was over. The last two weeks of August from & nbsp; Kabul airport, which was under the protection of the US military, there was a mass evacuation of Western citizens and & nbsp; Afghans who collaborated with them. On the night of & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; August, the US military left the Kabul

The rise in the price of vodka in Russia found a threat

Sergey Ryabukhin: an increase in alcohol prices may cause an increase in the production of surrogates An increase in excise taxes on strong alcohol may cause an increase in the production of surrogates. The deputy head of the budget committee of the Federation Council Sergei Ryabukhin found such a threat from the rise in prices for vodka and cognac, RIA Novosti reports. The parliamentarian said that the Federation Council recommended that the Finance Ministry abandon such a measure. He stressed that the budget is now balanced, and the National Welfare Fund has become strong enough, so the increase in excise taxes will have negative consequences. According to the legislator, it is necessary to wait until the norms for excise taxes in the countries of the Customs Union and the EAEU are balanced. Ryabukhin also noted the high rate of production of moonshine in Russia. According to the parliamentarian, the growth

The authorities of Karelia have commented on Putin's decree on the territories of the Far North

& laquo; We draw the attention of residents of the Republic of Karelia that & nbsp; following & nbsp; decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12 & nbsp; # 8470; & nbsp; 651, which since & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; January 2022 are recognized as invalid acts regulating the assignment of the territories of Karelia to & nbsp; regions of the Far North, a decree of the government of the Russian Federation will be signed & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message. The authorities explained that & nbsp; the list of regions of the Far North and & nbsp; areas equated to & nbsp; such areas was established by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in & nbsp; 1983 & nbsp; g. According to the document, five districts of Karelia were recognized as territories of the Far

Russian photographer captured unique light poles

Photographer Denis Gaskov shot unique light columns Photographer from Dudinka Denis Gaskov showed footage of a unique light phenomenon. Photos appeared on his Instagram account. The pictures show even columns of light. According to “KP Krasnoyarsk”, in order to take a photo, the author had to leave the perimeter of the city. It is noted that such an optical phenomenon is quite rare and is formed only under a combination of certain conditions – at high humidity and air temperatures from minus 15 and below. The lightest crystals of frozen water appear in the air, the light from powerful searchlights passes through them, amplifying many times over. At the end of June, residents of Voronezh noticed a rare optical phenomenon in the sky above the city. They shared photos of noctilucent clouds on social media.

The withdrawal of part of the territories of Russia from the list of regions of the Far North is assessed

Political scientist Kalachev called the reduction in the number of regions of the Far North a rational decision Revision of decisions made during the presidency of Boris Yeltsin is quite natural. Thus, the withdrawal of some regions of Karelia, the Komi Republic, Buryatia and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug from the territories belonging to the Far North, was assessed by political scientist Konstantin Kalachev. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, he called this a rational technocratic approach. Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier canceled Yeltsin's decree on equating the territories of Karelia with the regions of the Far North. The corresponding document was published on the portal of legal information. According to the posted document, from January 1, 2022, the decree of December 20, 1993, by which certain regions of Karelia were equated to living conditions in the Far North, is canceled. This was done as part of the changes in the Strategy

Erdogan calls himself the most experienced of the world leaders

Turkish President Erdogan called himself the most experienced of the world leaders Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called himself the most experienced of the world leaders. The politician said this during a meeting with youth in the province of Canakkale in northwestern Turkey, the event was broadcast on his Twitter. The Turkish leader stressed that he knows the world. “I say this not to boast, but to define my place among other leaders,” he concluded. According to Erdogan, it is important for the Turkish people to know who is who. On November 3, it was reported that the General Directorate of Security of Turkey opened criminal cases against 30 people who distributed posts insulting Erdogan on the Internet. The posts contained wishes of death to the state leader. If found guilty, the authors of the publications face imprisonment. In 2003, Erdogan took over as Prime Minister of Turkey after the

Murashko appreciated the effectiveness of QR codes in Russia

Head of the Russian Ministry of Health Murashko: QR codes have shown effectiveness in the situation with COVID-19 QR codes have shown their effectiveness in combating coronavirus infection. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko, TASS reports. “We observe that the system for introducing QR codes gives high efficiency,” the Minister of Health said during a meeting of the Coordinating Council on Combating Coronavirus Infection under the government Russia.