American survivor of a shootout in a luxury hotel talks about his experience

An American tourist spoke about the shootout of drug dealers on the beach of a hotel in Mexico memories of the experience. The man was interviewed on the morning TV show Good Morning America. In the program, Tanner VanValkenburg said that he flew to Cancun with his friends to relax in a luxury hotel in the small resort village of Puerto Morelos. On the day of the incident, the group was on the beach – when the tourists heard the sounds of gunshots, they thought that someone was launching fireworks. After the sounds became more frequent, the tourists began to scream and run away. It is noted that the militants killed two members of a rival gang on the beach, and then continued to shoot at tourists. The American and other people rushed to the pool bar to take refuge there, but as soon as Vanwalkenburg jumped into the water,

The woman saw her husband four times in two years of marriage and revealed the secret of the relationship

An American woman who married a Briton has not seen her husband since 2019 A US resident married a foreigner, saw him only four times two years of marriage and revealed the secret of a happy relationship. Reported by the Daily Star. Heather Perriam met 52-year-old Steve from the UK in 2012 in an online game. At the time of their acquaintance, both the man and the woman were married, so at first a friendship arose between them. Soon, the relationship of the American woman with her former husband began to deteriorate, and the couple decided to divorce. During this difficult period, Steve supported her. According to the woman, then romantic feelings arose between them. Related materials00: 04 – 8 November 2019 “It was ordinary life ”She fled from Stalin, and he – from Hitler. Then they got married and killed thousands of crocodiles 00:03 – January 26, 2018 Wild

Major General of the FSB, retired, assessed the likelihood of shooting on the Polish border

General Mikhailov: Polish border guards have no options but to defend the border , including, if necessary, and by force, they have no other options, said retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov. In a conversation with, he added that it is difficult to unequivocally assess the likelihood of shooting at the moment, since a political decision must be made. A large group of migrants from the Belarusian side gathers at the border crossing, probably preparing for storming the Belarusian-Polish border. The Polish side warned that, in the event of illegal border crossing, it will be forced to use force. According to the letter of the law Mikhailov noted that Poland was obliged to warn refugees about the possibility of such a solution to the situation. According to him, according to the law on the protection of the state border, border guards are obliged to use force. “If the border

The Central Bank explained the rise in prices by the behavior of Russians

Nabiullina: behavior of people with high inflationary expectations creates risks of rising prices expectations, said the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina during a speech in the State Duma, according to the website of the Central Bank. Expectations really change people's behavior, she explained. “People are starting to spend as much as possible, and not save: buy now, even on credit (which is why we see how consumer credit is growing), until the price has risen even more. And such a change in the model can create serious risks of unwinding an inflationary spiral. When the supply still does not keep up, because there are logistical constraints, and so on, and so on, and the demand for money is growing. It does not translate into an increase in consumption, prices just rise, “Nabiullina said. The only way to moderate high inflation expectations is to return inflation to the target,

In the “Youth of ONF” told about the progress of the action #WeWe areTogether

Pensioners in the regions were brought medicines, books and food as part of the #WeAbout of the all-Russian action #We areTogether. Volunteers not only provide assistance to doctors, deliver food and medicine to the elderly, but also fulfill unusual requests. For example, the Kuzbass team for the appeal of residents of the Kind Hands elderly care center brought more than 100 books to pensioners. The volunteers took the retirees from the institution under their patronage about two months ago and visit them every week. The guys conduct creative workshops, solve everyday issues. “Now our main task is to help the elderly and people with limited mobility to maintain their health. Due to the difficult situation with coronavirus infection, they are advised to observe the self-isolation regime. The main job of the volunteers is to deliver food and medicine to those who stay at home today. But at the same time,

Russians who had asymptomatic COVID-19 were called a condition for receiving a QR code

Head of the State Duma Committee on Health: PCR test availability is the basis for obtaining a QR code receive QR codes in the presence of a positive PCR test, so they will not be limited in connection with the norms of the relevant draft laws, Dmitry Khubezov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health, told Interfax about this condition. He noted that in the initiatives to introduce QR codes for access to public places and transport, there is no talk about the number of antibodies that can become the basis for obtaining QR codes.

Murashko estimated the number of Russians with COVID-19 in serious condition

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: the number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 increased in the regions … Such an assessment of the development of the coronavirus pandemic was given by the head of the Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, quoted by TASS. The Minister said that currently about 246 thousand people are in Russian hospitals. Earlier, Murashko said, that the end of autumn and winter in Russia will be a difficult period for health care due to the increase in the incidence of respiratory infections. He added that Russian healthcare will withstand the growth in the number of new cases of coronavirus, but at the same time its effectiveness may decline.

Students accused 74-year-old Russian professor of harassment

Mash: a teacher at the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy was accused of harassment teacher of anatomy Pavel Pashchenko. This is reported by the Telegram channel “Mash on Moika”. One of the students told how the professor offered to take her home. According to her, in the car, he began to pester her, and after that he called and tried to be alone with the girl. Later, the student learned that similar stories had happened to others before. The girl was transferred to study in Moscow and decided to tell about what happened. In an interview with the publication “Podyom”, the professor said that this story is a provocation of students who are lagging behind in their studies. He also noted that he will discuss the situation with the leadership of the university, as well as consider the issue of contacting the police. “A group of students has gathered who