Almost half of the companies wanted to bring Russians back to their offices 48% of Russian companies plan to return employees from remote locations to offices Almost half of surveyed employers (48 percent) plan to return all remote employees back to their offices after the epidemiological situation improves. This is stated in the research “” (available to “”). About 14 percent said they want to partially return workers to their offices. 19 percent of company representatives plan to work in a hybrid format or will not change the current mode of work at all. Of those who plan to return all employees to work in the office, 27 percent intend to completely abandon the remote employment format. About 45 percent of business representatives said that they currently work remotely less than 10 percent, and in 30 percent of firms – 10-30 percent. Another three percent indicated that they have 30-50 percent of their employees working remotely, nine percent indicated 50-75 percent, and

EU recognizes COVID certificates from Georgia, Serbia and Moldova

The European Union will recognize the COVID certificates of Georgia, Serbia, Moldova and New Zealand The European Union (EU) will recognize the COVID certificates of Georgia Moldova, Serbia and New Zealand. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the statement of the European Commission. “Thus, these four countries will be connected to the EU system, their COVID certificates will be accepted under the same conditions as the digital certificates of the European Union,” the agency cites the text of the statement. In total, the EU recognizes certificates from 49 third countries and territories. Armenia and Great Britain were added to this list in October. Earlier in November, it became known that Russian football fans attending World Cup qualifiers will be able to receive a digital COVID certificate from the European Union. To do this, you need to provide a national certificate in English about complete vaccination. At the same

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will conduct military exercises on the border with Afghanistan

Joint military exercises of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will be held on the border with Afghanistan Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will hold joint military exercises on the border with Afghanistan. This was reported by “Sputnik Uzbekistan”. The training maneuvers will be held from 17 to 24 November at the Termez training ground in the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. More than a hundred military personnel, Su-30SM fighters, S-295 military transport aircraft, as well as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will take part in them. The Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan stated that the purpose of the exercises will be to increase compatibility and the level of interaction between the armed forces of the two states in the course of solving common problems. It is noted that during the maneuvers, the military will have to work out the conduct of a search and reconnaissance operation, the destruction of illegal armed formations and the evacuation

Polish border guards talk about the sounds of shooting on the Belarusian side

Polish border service: border guards constantly hear shots from the Belarusian side This was reported by the press secretary of the Polish Border Service Anna Michalskaya, her words are reported by TASS. Related materials 00:01 – November 3 Ours is a stranger. Europe has accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? 00:01 – November 13 Here is the right turn. Who in Europe is called Hitler's heirs and why, because of them, the society was on the verge of split The representative of the border guard noted that this is a constant phenomenon. Mikhelskaya also shared that the number of illegal border crossing attempts by migrants is decreasing every day. “A month ago – on October 14 – there were 685 such attempts. Yesterday there were 17,” she said. At the same time, the press secretary noted that the illegal

Mishustin instructed the governors in connection with the pandemic

Mishustin instructed the governors to take personal control of the rate of vaccination against coronavirus vaccination. This order was given to the heads of the regions by the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, RIA Novosti reports. He noted that the governors need to closely monitor the epidemiological situation, as well as ensure compliance with the necessary restrictive measures.

The political scientist spoke about the reasons for the fall in Biden's rating

Political scientist Salin considered the fall in Biden's approval rating to be an expected process Biden. According to a study by The Washington Post and ABC television, the American leader's approval rating has dropped to its lowest level since his inauguration, with less than half of respondents (41 percent) supporting his work. The reasons for Biden’s drop are in the basics democratic system, Salin said. “A stable democratic system is largely based on many different props, these are institutions in which personalities change as a conditional fuel, that is, the population has time to become disillusioned with one person, and another person replaces it, as a result, the political system does not collapse. and thus moving forward, “- he clarified. The political scientist believes that the fall in the ratings of any American president in any proportion is not catastrophic, because” in the West in general, and in America in

Blondes are out of fashion among young people

Beauty industry experts: zoomers prefer natural hair color to total blonde born between 1997 and 2012). This is the conclusion reached by British experts in the beauty industry, whose comments are published by the Daily Mail. Professional stylists drew attention to the fact that young celebrities, such as supermodels Hayley Bieber, Gigi Hadid and actress Florence Pugh, who for a long time preferred bleaching their hair, began to massively repaint in natural dark tones. At the same time, the so-called expensive brunette has become one of the most popular shades. “The traditional” burnt out “blond, which for many years remained the dream of millions, is outdated. When it is created, the hair undergoes a complex process that requires bleaching to remove its natural pigment. Zoomers tend to look natural, accentuate the texture of their hair, thereby making life much easier for themselves, ”explained the founder of Shewolf hair care cosmetics

The reason for the impossibility of refusal from the most harmful fuel is named

Bloomberg: China and India produce 14 million tons of coal annually from the most harmful fossil fuels to the atmosphere. Bloomberg analysts named the coal projects of China and India, which prove the inability of these countries to stop harming the planet in the coming decades, as a possible reason. Collectively, researchers estimate that the world's top pollutants produce 14 million tonnes of coal annually, accounting for the largest share of both countries' energy mix, despite efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and expand solar and wind projects. However, both China and India continue to build coal-fired power plants – from 2011 to 2020, these countries accounted for 95 percent of new capacity. The Global Energy Monitor noted that in 2020, for the first time since 2015, so many new coal plants appeared, and most of them in the PRC. In India, according to forecasts by the local government, the