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Que mejor manera de empezar el día con ??? la Marcha Eslava de Tchaikovsky #LaOrquestaMásGrandeDelMundo #Venezuela ??pic.twitter.com/oshjWYrQgA — Carlos Montero (@CMonteroOficial) November 14, 2021 Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Екатерина Гура

In a Russian city, they decided to heat apartments with the help of the sun

Scientists from NSTU NETI have created a collector for heating using the energy of the sun with which apartments can be heated using the energy of the sun. The technology will help reduce the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere of cities, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. Russian scientists have developed the technology within the framework of the Our Sun project. The device is a collector with a heat sink. The object is installed on the roof or wall of the house, thereby receiving energy – the collector is suitable for heating and hot water supply. They can replace the gas or stove equipment of an apartment or house. According to the inventors, the coolant can be heated up to 90 degrees. To heat a house of 100 square meters, a collector with an area of ​​two to eight “squares” is needed, the number of residents also plays a

Ukraine warned of high likelihood of a Russian invasion this winter

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: The West informed Kiev about the high likelihood of Russian aggression in winter destabilize the situation in Ukraine. This is reported by the Financial Times with reference to the words of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar. The warning states that Russia is likely to attempt an invasion this winter. Related materials 00:01 – 13 November Here is the right turn. Who in Europe are called Hitler's heirs and why they brought society to the brink of a split 00:02 – October 7 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/c253b23ec28abfb0be4bd185b6acdbbe.jpg" /> “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why won't this help him retain power? The painter confirms his fears not only with information about the concentration of a large group of Russian military forces near the borders of Ukraine, but also with some secret information. US Secretary of

Checkmate's advantage over F-35

Rostec CEO Chemezov: Checkmate is cheaper than F-35 LTS) Checkmate in front of the American F-35 Lightning II fighter. During Dubai Airshow 2021, he noted the cost and combat load of the aircraft. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “I would classify the JF-17, J-10, F-16 as competitors, but only the F-35 can boast of comparable capabilities. Nevertheless, our aircraft is more economically profitable – both in terms of the cost of the car and the cost of a flight hour. At the same time, he can take on board a record amount of weapons. Therefore, I believe that the aircraft has good export prospects, “Chemezov noted. The head of the state corporation added that the cost of the aircraft will be from $ 30 to $ 35 million. According to him, it is necessary to create three prototypes of the fighter, which will be used during the tests. This

EU expanded sanctions against Syria

The EU Council added four Syrian ministers to the sanctions list The European Union (EU) has expanded existing sanctions against Syria. This is reported in a statement on the website of the EU Council. “The Council today decided to add four newly appointed ministers to the list of individuals and entities subject to targeted EU restrictive measures in connection with the situation in Syria,” said in the message.

Nutritionist named foods that help recover from COVID-19

Nutritionist Ginsburg: foods with vitamin D will help recover from COVID-19 Foods rich in vitamin D. Such products were named by nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, his words are quoted by “Narodnye Novosti”. Also, according to him, you should pay attention to products with anthocyanins, which have anticoagulant properties. < p> “First of all, marine fish, such as mackerel and herring, are rich in vitamin D. Various berries have anticoagulant properties – raspberries, lingonberries and blackberries, ”explained Ginzburg. The specialist noted that the diet should contain foods that have anti-inflammatory effects. These include bread, cereals, nuts and fermented milk products. Previously, nutritionist and nutritionist Lera Lavski said that the diet of people being treated for coronavirus should include foods rich in zinc, which is needed to form T -cellular immunity.

The winners of the “Culture” track of the “Leaders of Russia” competition have been announced

14 managers have become the winners of the Culture track of the Leaders of Russia competition They were 14 managers from four regions of Russia. The final of the track “Culture” was held in the House of Beggrovs in St. Petersburg. 106 finalists from all over Russia took part in it. During the evaluation day, the contestants in teams solved management cases, proposed solutions to urgent problems that cultural and educational institutions face on a daily basis. Leadership competencies of the participants were assessed by professional experts. The results of the track assessment activities were announced by Alexey Komissarov, General Director of the autonomous non-profit organization Russia – the Land of Opportunities. “The competition was attended by those who already have managerial experience in the field of culture and education, as well as leaders from other areas who seek to prove themselves in a creative environment. One of the finalists