Russian bought fake Louis Vuitton on AliExpress and nearly ended up in jail

The Russian ordered replicas of Louis Vuitton clothing from China and almost went to court AliExpress platform and almost went on trial. This is reported by the Telegram channel Mash. An undisclosed man purchased a bag, wallet, scarf, hat, jacket and belt with a fake Louis Vuitton monogram from a Chinese seller in September. The total amount of purchases amounted to 50 thousand rubles. Employees of the customs service at Pulkovo airport seized the parcel that the hero of the material was supposed to receive in Chelyabinsk. According to the channel, law enforcement officers demanded only an explanatory note from the buyer, however, if a criminal case was initiated for illegal use of a trademark, he could go to prison and receive a fine of 400 thousand rubles. In February, a man ordered clothes from Moscow TsUM went home, and fled in it. The thief locked himself in one of

Russian police officer shot his wife after an argument and fled

In St. Petersburg, a policeman was detained who shot at his wife with a traumatic pistol In St. her, shot her with a traumatic pistol and left. This is reported by TASS. The victim was hospitalized. The attacker was a law enforcement officer. The man was detained by the police when he was driving along a suburban highway towards the city of Luga. An official check is being carried out on this fact. Earlier, a resident of New Moscow shot several times at his wife and son. They were hospitalized with gunshot wounds. At the police station, the head of the family said the shooting happened by accident while he was cleaning a pistol. The wife of the detainee put forward her version: her husband shot her and his son through a closed door on purpose. The boy had eight wounds, and his mother two.

The Federation Council called the condition for the entry of Donbass into Russia

Senator Tsekov said that the entry of Donbass into Russia will depend on the will of the people the composition of the Russian Federation depends solely on the will of the people, said Sergei Tsekov, Senator of the Federation Council, in a conversation with Russia, according to him, keeps a long pause, helping humanitarian, but not provoking the situation, giving citizens the opportunity to independently resolve their internal issues in the right, in their opinion, key. Tsekov believes that Russia is in world politics long ago she chose for herself the role of a state that helps. And it's not just about Donbass: similar assistance, according to him, was provided all the years of Ukraine's independence, in the same way the country is currently helping Syria. “Even the former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma said that in the early years gas was supplied to Ukraine at the price of

FIFA will separate the national teams of Russia and Ukraine in the draw for the play-off selection for the 2022 World Cup

FIFA: the national teams of Russia and Ukraine will not play with each other in the playoffs of the qualification of the 2022 World Cup The Russian national football team will not meet with Ukraine in the playoffs of the qualification of the 2022 World Cup. This is reported by TASS with reference to the International Football Federation (FIFA). According to the decision of the executive committee of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), the teams will initially be split into different semi-final pairs during the draw. They will also not be able to play against each other in the decisive match of qualifying. In the playoffs of the World Cup qualification, 12 teams will be divided into three grids. Each of them will feature two semi-finals and a final, the winners of which will receive tickets to the world championship. The Russian national team, having finished second in

The authorities of Buryatia have responded to the cancellation of Yeltsin's decree on the regions of the Far North

The head of Buryatia Tsydenov: by the end of 2021, a new list of territories of the Far North will be approved A new list of territories that fall into the category of “regions of the Far North” will be approved by the government by the end of 2021. This was stated by the head of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov, responding to the cancellation of the decree of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin on the regions of the Far North, RIA Novosti reports.

In Tatarstan, doctors cut out a 10-centimeter neoplasm from a patient's heart

Doctors from Naberezhnye Chelny removed a 10-centimeter neoplasm in the heart of a patient not only for Tatarstan, but also for the whole of Russia, heart surgery. Doctors excised a 10-cm neoplasm from the patient's left atrium. This was reported on the organization's official Instagram page. According to doctors, a Russian recently came to see them, complaining of repeated loss of consciousness and interruptions in the work of the heart. Ultrasound showed an “unusual picture” – one of the chambers of the heart was almost completely closed by a neoplasm with a diameter of 10 centimeters, which blocked the blood flow. As a result, the man was decided to be urgently hospitalized and operated on. The chief surgeon of the emergency room, Ramis Yakubov, took several hours to carry out the most complex operation. In the end, everything ended well: the doctors removed the tumor from the left atrium, and

Leaders of Baltic republics condemn Lukashenka for exploiting migrants

The Presidents of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called on Lukashenko to take responsibility for migrants President of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda, President of Latvia Egils Levits Karis discussed the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border and adopted a joint statement following the meeting. Its text was published on the website of the presidential administration of Lithuania. In a statement, the leaders of the Baltic republics expressed solidarity with Poland and the measures taken by Warsaw to protect the republic from illegal immigrants. Politicians also condemned Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for the exploitation of migrants for political purposes and called on him to take responsibility for “human trafficking”. They noted that Minsk is forcing refugees to cross the borders of the European Union (EU) countries, thereby violating the rights and freedoms of people. To solve the problem, the presidents of the three countries called on NATO and all international organizations to pay attention

Prigogine urged not to save the stars of Russian show business from bankruptcy

Joseph Prigogine said that the stars of the domestic show business should not be saved from bankruptcy Music producer Joseph Prigozhin said must be saved from bankruptcy, which threatens them in the new year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He shared his opinion in an interview with The 60-year-old showman urged not to interfere in the situation. According to Prigozhin, there are “a lot of superfluous people” in the domestic show business. “In general, such a concept as show business has sickened me lately. Anyone who gets there, who has nothing to do with art or culture, call themselves a part of show business. There is a show, but there is no business, ”Prigozhin added. He also stressed that he was one of the first to talk about the plight of the concert industry. Then his words were criticized by musician Sergei Shnurov, which later escalated into a conflict

Российские парфюмеры создали духи с ароматом боевого истребителя

Для создания аромата парфюмеры использовали оригинальные образцы из кабины Checkmate. Парфюм создали специально к международной премьере прототипа самолёта на авиасалоне Dubai Airshow 2021. «Ноты аромата сочетают в себе запахи стекла, натуральной кожи и металлов, использованных в конструкции фюзеляжа, двигателей и кабины самолёта. Партнером “Ростеха” выступила Гильдия парфюмеров России», — сообщили РИА «Новости» в госкорпорации. В «Ростехе» уточнили, что специалисты использовали образцы металлических сплавов, стекла и кожаной отделки кабины истребителя вместе с экстрактами можжевельника, пачули и дубового мха. «Пять основных нот композиций удалось соединить воедино благодаря техногенному аккорду парфюма», — рассказал собеседник агентства. Флакон духов выполнен в форме чёрного шахматного коня, который является одним из символов истребителя. Аромат подходит как мужчинам, так и женщинам. В Индии оппозиционная партия «Самаджвади» ранее выпустила свои собственные духи с «ароматом социализма». Политики уверены, что ноты шафрана и сандалового дерева вызывают образы этой философии. Лидер партии Ахилеш Ядав заявил, что аромат долен воплотить дух левой политики. По данным индийских СМИ, на создание духов учёным потребовалось 4 месяца. Членов партии призвали активно душиться перед собраниями.