The woman became famous on the network because of the appearance of Bella Hadid

A resident of Germany with the face of model Bella Hadid has gained tens of thousands of subscribers on TikTok supermodel Bella Hadid. This is reported by The Sun. At the moment, 37.6 thousand people are subscribed to the account of 20-year-old Nely Ayd, who works in the catering industry. Videos of a woman demonstrating her daily life, as well as skin care procedures, are gaining tens of thousands of views, as users of the social network consider her to be Hadid's doppelganger. “People are attacking my direct and comments on live broadcasts. In their opinion, I am her [Bella Hadid] exact copy. I, in turn, do not think that our faces are identical, – shared the heroine of the material. – I am often asked if I have done plastic surgery. No, not one. ” According to Aid, her popularity does not extend beyond social media, and strangers never

The EU is thinking about the introduction of sanctions against PMC Wagner

French Foreign Minister Le Drian: The EU intends to impose sanctions against Wagner PMCs over Mali The authorities of the European Union (EU) are thinking the imposition of sanctions against the private military company (PMC) Wagner due to their activities in Mali and other African countries. This was stated by French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, his words are reported by Reuters. The diplomat noted that the EU intends to draw up a list of possible restrictions for Russian mercenaries who can be deployed in the Sahel. “There is a general desire to determine the legal framework for the sanctions that will be imposed on the Wagner Group,” he said. According to the head of the French Foreign Ministry, sanctions will also be imposed on companies that cooperated with Russian PMCs. In early October, the Turkish edition of Clash Report announced the growth of the presence of Wagner PMCs in

Action movie starring Duian Johnson and Gal Gadot set a record on Netflix

Red Notice breaks Netflix views Rawson Marshall Thurber's Red Notice breaks record first day on Netflix streaming service. One of the leading roles, Ryan Reynolds, announced this on his Twitter account. “Wow! Red Notice has its biggest start in Netflix history. Congratulations to the whole team! ” – wrote the actor. The action comedy was released on Netflix on November 12. Reynolds starred in it alongside Duyan “The Rock” Johnson and Gal Gadot. The plot of the picture tells how the thief of art objects Nolan Booth teams up with FBI agent John Hartley to search for the precious egg, which the ancient Roman general Mark Antony gave to Cleoparte. It is soon revealed that another man named “Bishop” is hunting for the jewel. In August it was reported that Dwayne Johnson's fee for appearing on the “Red Notice” tape could be $ 50 million. Then it became known that

Putin instructed to ensure equal access to goods from the DPR and LPR to public procurement

Putin instructed to allow goods from the DPR and LPR to participate in public procurement on a par with Russian Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government access of goods from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR) to participation in public procurement. The corresponding decree “On the provision of humanitarian support to the population of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine” was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

Explained Gazprom's refusal to book gas supplies through Belarus

Energy expert Pikin: Russia has a new plan motivating the launch of Nord Stream 2 Director of the Energy Development Fund and power engineering Sergei Pikin explained Gazprom's refusal to book additional capacities for transit through Belarus and Poland via the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline by the new strategy of the Russian company. According to him, it should motivate the Europeans to make all the conditions for the early launch of Nord Stream 2. The expert shared his opinion in a conversation with

Superiority of quantum chips over conventional chips announced

IBM announced new quantum computing Eagle chip IBM's new Eagle chip will allow quantum computers to outperform conventional computers. This is reported by Engadget. According to company representatives, the announced Eagle processor has 127 qubits that can represent information in quantum form. Experts estimate that it will take more bits to model a chip than the atoms of all humans on the planet. “Our first 127-qubit Eagle processor is available as a research system on the IBM Cloud for select members of the IBM Quantum Network.” – said the director of development of quantum hardware systems at IBM Jerry Chow. At the same time, the company's engineers emphasized that the new chip for quantum computing does not yet claim quantum superiority. However, it is believed that in the future it will be possible. In 2022, IBM intends to release new chips with a record number of qubits. So, the Osprey

Putin signed a decree on the provision of humanitarian support to the population of Donbass

Putin signed a decree on providing humanitarian support to residents of the DPR and LPR due to COVID-19 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on providing humanitarian support to the population of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. The corresponding document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. According to the document, in the context of the ongoing economic blockade and the worsening epidemiological situation due to COVID-19, the residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR) will be supplied humanitarian aid. The decree also cancels export and import quotas for goods moved from Russia to the DPR and LPR and vice versa. The decree will remain in effect until a political settlement in Donbass based on the Minsk agreements. Earlier it became known that the European Commission is transferring another 3.5 million euros to Donbass, funds were additionally

Gazprom reports record gas supplies to Germany

Since the beginning of 2021, Gazprom has supplied more gas to Germany than in the whole of 2020 Gazprom in ten months of 2021 delivered more gas to Germany and Italy than in all of 2020. The company reported on the record level of supplies in its Telegram channel. From January 1 to November 15, 2021, the company increased supplies to Germany by 19.6 percent, and to Italy – by 18.3 percent compared to volumes deliveries for 2020. Gas transit to other non-CIS countries also increased. The volumes of supplies to Turkey almost doubled (by 98.1 percent), to Romania – almost 3.5 times (by 247.1 percent), to Serbia – by 92.9 percent, to Slovenia – by 58.3 percent, to Bulgaria – by 48.2 percent, to Poland – by 7.3 percent.

Russians warned of a new method of fraud using online advertising

Check Point: Scammers Stole $ 500,000 in Cryptocurrency Using Google Ads Russians. Specialists of Check Point Software Technologies warned about a new method of fraud, the results of their research are at the disposal of Experts also noted that with the help of this scheme, the criminals have already managed to steal about 500 thousand dollars. Analysts point out that scammers first place ads using the Google Ads tool. It allows you to customize the display of promoted messages in such a way that they are the first in the search results for search queries related to cryptocurrency wallets. Most often we are talking about the popular services Phantom and MetaMask. Following the link from Google, the victim is taken to a phishing site that looks almost the same as the original resource of the crypto site. There the user is required to have a password for the account.