Kadyrov announced the origin of the Ingush from the Chechens

Head of Chechnya Kadyrov: Ingush descended from Chechens, as well as Orstkhoys only one of the branches of this people, as well as the Orstkhoyans. The corresponding words were pronounced during the retreat in Galanchozhsky district, excerpts from Kadyrov's speech were published on his official page in VKontakte, and Fortanga also drew attention to them. “We used to be one people, but now it is a separate nation with its own republic. Most of all, a kinship, among all subjects of the Russian Federation, we must maintain with them, “said Kadyrov, stressing the importance of peaceful coexistence of the two republics. The statement by the head of the region was made after reports appeared on the network about repair work in the Ingush settlement of Dattykh (Sunzhensky district) bordering Chechnya. Users called it a provocation from neighbors. Kadyrov, responding to such messages, recalled his visit to Ingushetia and added that

Chelyabinsk surgeon developed his own technology and restored the girl's nose

In the Chelyabinsk hospital, a unique operation was performed to restore the child's nose restored her nose, which she lost after birth. The technology for the operation was developed by Mikhail Korostelev, a reconstructive plastic surgeon of the CHODKB, according to the Instagram of the medical institution. The girl was born at the 26th week of pregnancy and weighed only 850 grams at birth. In intensive care, she breathed through a tube that destroyed the delicate tissue of the nasal cartilage. As a result, when the tube was removed, the tip of the nose was almost gone. The girl's mother said that she called all hospitals in Russia, but she was denied treatment everywhere. In Moscow, the woman was told that they could not carry out the operation before six or seven years. “They said that you have to take a cloth from your forehead and transfer it to your

The Kremlin reported on the discussion of gas transit through Belarus

Peskov spoke about the conversation between Putin and Lukashenko about gas transit through the republic Belarus Alexander Lukashenko the topic of gas transit through the republic. RIA Novosti reports. “Yes. Yesterday there was a conversation, ”Peskov commented. So he answered the question whether the Russian president raised this topic in a conversation with his Belarusian counterpart.

The riddle of protoplanetary disks explained

Japanese astrophysicists explained the absence of planets in the rings of protoplanetary discs Their simulations on a supercomputer have shown that planets can leave the protoplanetary disk immediately after their formation. An article dedicated to this mystery was published in The Astrophysical Journal. Young stars are often surrounded by protoplanetary disks made of gas and dust. The conducted observations show that there are many variants of rings of different densities in them, in which “gaps” are often marked. The presence of such structures can be explained by gravitational effects from the planets forming in the disks, but observations have not yet found them near the disks. A team of astrophysicists simulated on the supercomputer of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ATERUI II a case when the planet “migrates” from the place its original appearance. It turned out that at a low viscosity of the disk, the ring formed at

Motorists were outraged by the idea of ​​reducing speed in cities

The Moscow Union of Motorists criticized the idea of ​​reducing the speed in cities conversation with “Lenta.ru” the idea of ​​reducing the speed in cities. Earlier, a similar initiative was made by the head of the Public Council of the Ministry of Transport of Russia Mikhail Blinkin, reported URA.RU. He stressed that Russia has the world's highest free threshold – 20 kilometers per hour, and also said that an attempt had already been made to reduce the speed using roads with variable signs, which changed depending on information from weather sensors. “I believe that the current situation is quite sufficient for the normal organization of the movement. There are a huge number of streets in Moscow, where the speed of movement is already below 60 kilometers per hour. In particular, there are many signs where the speed is 40 kilometers, and sometimes for no objective reason, “Galishnikov was indignant. The

Sobchak congratulated Dudya on the long-awaited hero of the interview

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak: rapper Oksimiron came to an interview with journalist Yuri Dudyu TV presenter Ksenia Sobchakxyimiron ( name – Miron Fedorov) came to an interview with blogger and journalist Yuri Dudyu. Sobchak shared the information that in the new issue of the YouTube show “vDud” the journalist will talk with the hero whose fans have been waiting for a long time. “I know that Oxy (Oksimiron – approx . “Lenty.ru” ) went to give an interview to Dudy (congratulations to my colleague) “, – wrote the presenter in the post. At the time of writing, Dud did not comment on Sobchak's words. The interview with Oksimiron on the YouTube channel “vDud” has not yet been published. At the same time, earlier many of the journalist's subscribers asked him to call the rapper to the show. “Oxy, when will it be?”, “Come on Oksimiron!” – they wrote in the

The results of the census in the Moscow region became known

In the Moscow region, 10.8 million people passed the census About 11 million people live in the Moscow region. These are the results of the all-Russian population census. This was announced by the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. “Yesterday the census ended. The results will be announced in April 2022. But now we can already say that about 10.8 million people live in the Moscow region, “Vorobyov said at a meeting with the leadership of the regional government and heads of districts. The head of the region noted that the task of the authorities is to find in constant contact. “We must be able to take care of every inhabitant, everyone must have the opportunity to reach out to the governor, to the head. Our task is to be in constant contact, “Vorobyov concluded. The All-Russian Population Census was held in two formats – traditional and digital. The

In Karachay-Cherkessia, the son of the republic's deputy prime minister was attacked with a skewer

In Karachay-Cherkessia, the nephew of the head of the Pension Fund attacked the son of the Deputy Prime Minister Dzhankezov, the nephew of the head of the regional Pension Fund, attacked Eduard Tambiev, the son of the republic's deputy prime minister, with a skewer. This is reported by REN TV. According to the TV channel, on November 11, 27-year-old Dzhankezov quarreled with Tambiev and wounded him with a skewer. In response, the deputy prime minister's son hit the attacker with a stone. As the Telegram channel “112” clarifies, Tambiev was hospitalized, and Dzhankezov was detained. A criminal case was initiated under part 3 of article 30 and article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Attempted murder”). Earlier it was reported that a resident of Karachay-Cherkessia (KCR) attacked a police officer with a knife during his arrest. A 37-year-old resident of the village of Storozhevoy hit a police