Belarus reports thousands of migrants who did not enter the country

The Border Committee of Belarus: the number of migrants detained by border guards is estimated at thousands … According to him, there have been about 13 thousand such incidents since August 2021. The words of the border guard are reported by BELTA. Since August 1, about 8,000 people have not been allowed into the territory of Belarus, another 5,000 were detained and deported from the country as a result of checks by the migration service, a representative of the border committee reported. “But these are potential migrants. And these are concrete, documented facts, “Bychkovsky believes. The Belarusian border committee cited these figures in response to Poland's accusations against the Belarusian security forces. Warsaw calls them involved in organizing the migration crisis. Bychkovsky considered the accusations “strange”. Earlier in Poland they decided to build a wall to protect against migrants from the territory of Belarus. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of

Belarusian security officials accused of “capturing” migrants

The Polish police said that the Belarusian military does not allow migrants to return home – checkpoint (checkpoint) “Bruzgi”, and do not allow them to leave Belarus. This accusation was made on Twitter by the Polish police. According to the ministry, the Belarusian military prohibits even those refugees who wish to return to their homeland through Minsk to move. “The services of the Belarusian regime make sure that the people they pushed to the border crossing could not go deep into Belarus,” the Polish police emphasized. Earlier it was reported that several thousand migrants left the camp and approached the checkpoint … It is noted that the migrants were accompanied by Belarusian security forces. The Polish military, in turn, prepared water cannons and are watching the situation from a helicopter. The Poles also turned to Belarusians over loudspeakers with a request to “stop holding innocent people.” The situation escalated on

The newspaper was criticized for articles about girls who left Omsk

Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry accused a local newspaper of undermining patriotism ”Is that it undermines the patriotism of local residents, because of the articles about the girls who left Omsk. About what claims were presented to the publication, reports “Podyom”. The chamber criticized the notes, which said that two girls left the city and became happy, and felt that they were aimed at increasing outflow of population from the city. “The statements in the article undermine the formation of a patriotic attitude towards the small homeland,” the organization said and called on the publication to publish more articles aimed at maintaining the authority of the city administration. An appropriate letter was sent to the editorial office. In an interview with Podyom, the head of the chamber Olga Fedulova said that she did not consider the organization’s actions to be an interference in the newspaper’s editorial policy. “We just

The number of victims of air pollution named

Air pollution caused 300,000 deaths in Europe in 2019 A report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) showed particulate matter (PM 2.5) caused 307 thousand premature deaths in Europe in 2019. Half of them could have been prevented if the EU countries kept the concentration of these particles in the air at the recommended level of 5 micrograms per cubic meter. The EEA believes that air pollution remains the biggest environmental threat to human health in Europe. Heart disease and strokes, lung diseases including cancer are the most common ailments caused by poor air quality. In addition, in children, air pollution can cause respiratory infections and aggravate asthma, and harm lung development. Deaths from diseases caused by PM 2.5 air pollution are declining by 10 percent each year. Back in 2018, there were 346 thousand of them, and in the early 90s – about half a million. However, most EU

Tesla cars left without USB ports

Tesla has deprived new cars of USB ports due to a shortage of components salon. This was reported by Reddit users. A visitor to the popular site under the nickname CalligrapherNo4617 published a post in which he stated that he had purchased a new Tesla car, which came to him without USB ports. The connectors were missing on the center console, and the car also lost the function of wireless charging of gadgets. The user has no complaints about the rest of the components of the electric car: “The car is awesome, no other questions!” The car enthusiast drew attention to the fact that Tesla engineers were clearly going to equip the model with ports on the front panel, as they found perforations for the connectors. Tesla technical support told the user that the new cars are delivered without USB connectors due to a shortage of components. Electrek journalists found

The two men spent two days on an island in the middle of a crocodile-infested river and survived

The shipwrecked Australians spent two days on a deserted island Two men in Northern Australia spent two days on a deserted croc island in the middle of a teeming river after their boat sank and survived. This is reported by 7 News. The men were sailing along the Daly River and ripped the boat against an obstacle in the river. As a result, their ship sank. The shipwrecked Australians did not manage to grab their cell phones and call rescuers, as the boat went under water within a few seconds. The men had to swim against the current in the crocodile-infested water to get to the nearby island. Left without food and drinking water, the Australians spent two days on the island waiting for help. In the end, the skipper of another boat sailing in the area noticed wreckage in the water. Soon the shipwrecked were found and evacuated from

The Ministry of Defense published a draft order on official secrets of 813 points

The Ministry of Defense has published a draft order on official secrecy, containing 813 items official secrets. It turned out to be 813 points. The document appeared on the federal portal of drafts of normative legal acts. Among the listed items there are, for example, information that discloses materials of the proceedings on the crimes and incidents that have occurred, as well as materials of the proceedings on the facts of the death of servicemen.

In Russia, a one-year-old child was amputated due to the negligence of doctors

Doctors of Chita did not recognize the child's illness, as a result, his limbs were amputated did not recognize a serious illness and forged the signature of the patient's mother to refuse hospitalization. As a result of the doctors' negligence, the child's limbs were amputated. The Snob magazine writes about the incident. The boy's mother, Tatiana, said that her son had a fever in early January 2020. The woman called an ambulance, but the doctors did not notice the blue limbs of the child and advised to rub the patient with water at room temperature. The family called an ambulance again, and only the third time, when the boy turned purple, he was hospitalized in the regional hospital. He spent about 20 days in intensive care. Doctors diagnosed “extensive necrosis of the soft tissues of the upper and lower extremities with lesions of the fingers and toes”, “circulatory disorders in

Putin helped Donbass and Luhansk region with vaccines and access to public procurement

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which & nbsp; goods from & nbsp; unrecognized Donetsk and & nbsp; Luhansk people's republics are allowed to participate in & nbsp; state purchases along with & nbsp; Russian goods. This procedure will remain in effect until the Minsk agreements are fulfilled, follows from a document published on the official Internet portal of legal information. According to the decree, for this & nbsp; the Russian government must “ in the & nbsp; order of exception ''; for & nbsp; & quot; period until & nbsp; political settlement & raquo; on the basis of the Minsk Agreements, to recognize as valid in the & nbsp; Russian Federation certificates of & nbsp; origin of goods issued by bodies and & nbsp; organizations, “ actually operating in & nbsp; the territory of these areas. '' In & nbsp; in relation to goods from &

RPL matches urged to postpone for the success of the Russian national team in the play-offs

Yuri Semin urged RPL to postpone matches for the sake of the Russian national team's entry to the world championship Former coach of the Russian national team and Lokomotiv Yury Semin on the prospects of the national team in the play-offs in the struggle to reach the 2022 World Cup. His words are quoted by “”. The 74-year-old expert believes that the Russian Premier League (RPL) should meet Valery Karpin's team and postpone one or two rounds of the national championship. This, as Semin is convinced, will allow the Russian national team to prepare for the play-offs and successfully play in the playoffs of the World Cup qualifying tournament. According to Semin, the possibility of postponing home championship games is a trump card that must be used. He also urged not to criticize Karpin's team for the failure in the match against Croatia. He said that the composition of the