A lawyer accused of fraud worth a million rubles was killed in Kazan

A lawyer accused of fraud worth 1.2 million rubles was brutally murdered in Kazan Kazan. The body of a 36-year-old lawyer was found in one of the city's apartments with multiple stab wounds. This was reported on Monday, November 15, by the BUSINESS Online portal. According to the newspaper, the body of Pavel Borovkov was found on November 12. On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). The man was accused of fraud using his official position. According to the investigation, for more than a year he received compensation from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan for working as a state lawyer by appointment, representing the interests of citizens of the privileged category in court. However, law enforcement officers believe that the documents on the provision of lawyer services provided by Borovkov to the Ministry

The leading regions by the number of low-rise new buildings have been named

Most of the low-rise buildings in September 2021 were built in Moscow and the Moscow region In 2021, more than a third of such facilities were built in these regions. These are the conclusions reached by analysts of the developer “Partner Stroy” in the study of the Russian real estate market, writes RBC. Analysts have studied 3.37 million square meters of leased and under construction housing in townhouses and apartment buildings below four floors in 20 regions of Russia. In total, 273 complexes were considered, none of which at the time of the study was fully commissioned. The largest volume of low-rise construction was in the Moscow region – 806.5 thousand square meters (24 percent of the total similar projects in Russia). Moscow was named next in terms of the number of new low-rise buildings – 421.3 thousand square meters (13 percent). The share of other regions in the construction

The Ministry of Health sent doctors to the Russian region to help in the fight against COVID-19

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: from November 15, a medical team will begin work in the Volgograd region COVID-19. The specialists began work on Monday, November 15, said the head of the Russian Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, as reported by TASS. The Minister noted that due to the current epidemiological situation in the Volgograd region, it was necessary to involve specialists from the Ministry of Health. At a meeting of the Coordination Council for Combating Coronavirus under the Russian government, the head of the Ministry of Health emphasized that, in general, 183 medical teams have been sent to the regions of the country. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it had sent military and equipment to the Krasnoyarsk Territory to deploy a field hospital and treat patients with coronavirus.

White House denies reports of tension between Biden and Harris

White House spokesman Psaki called Vice President Harris an important partner of Biden Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. A statement was made by the White House press secretary Jen Psaki, reports The Hill. The politician called Harris an important partner of Biden. According to her, the vice president is a determined leader who has taken on key issues facing the country – from protecting voting rights to addressing the root causes of migration and the introduction of broadband internet. Previously, CNN wrote about Harris' complaints about this. that she is being constrained and given losing assignments that could affect her prospects as government leader. Sources told the publication that the vice president feels constrained in political powers. On November 14, it was reported that the approval rating of President Biden's policies among Americans reached a new anti-record and dropped to the lowest value during his entire tenure. According to

Britain raised the level of terrorist threat to the penultimate

Britain raised the level of terrorist threat to “serious” after the terrorist attack “After the terrorist attack in Liverpool. This is reported by Sky News. Related materials 00:01 – November 3 Ours is a stranger. Europe has accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to expel them? 00:01 – 13 November Here is the right turn. and why, because of them, the society was on the verge of a split The increase in the level was confirmed by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Priti Patel. Since February 2021, the threat has been assessed as “significant”. Severe level is the penultimate level of threat, and it means that terrorist attacks are regarded as “highly probable.” Earlier, a taxi driver in Liverpool locked a terrorist in a car and prevented the massacre of people. A driver named David Parry noticed strange behavior behind

Oil giant who lost court in the Netherlands decided to “move”

Oil company Royal Dutch Shell will shorten its name to Shell reduction of emissions, plans to reduce the name and change the tax residency. The upcoming changes are announced on the official website of the oil giant. The company's board of directors will put the issues to the shareholders' vote. Management plans to rename Royal Dutch Shell plc to Shell plc. The company also decided to transfer its tax residency and organize the relocation of its headquarters from the Netherlands to the UK. Shell's corporate governance structure will remain unchanged.

Doctor Myasnikov spoke about compulsory vaccination in Russia

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov: compulsory vaccination would help save thousands of Russians coronavirus. In a conversation with the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for the Development of Civil Society, Public and Religious Associations Olga Amelchenkova, he called this measure belated, reports KP.RU. According to the doctor, if forced vaccination had been introduced in the country earlier, then it would help save several thousand people. “This measure was very late. There is a wave, 40 thousand sick a day. If we had taken this measure in the summer, we would not have lost 30 thousand people. This is the price of our delay, “Myasnikov said. The TV presenter noted that today there is a surge in vaccination in Russia, but this will not affect the current situation, because, as Myasnikov specified, from the first vaccination to the appearance of immune protection one and a half to two months should pass. The

The Russians were named the optimal cost of tours to Dubai for the New Year

You can buy a ticket to Dubai for the New Year in the middle price segment for 264 thousand rubles in four-star and five-star hotels in Dubai. This is reported by the TourDom portal. So, you can buy a tour in the middle price segment in a four-star Aloft Palm Jumeirah Hotel for 264 thousand rubles for two. A more expensive option is to stay at the Riu Dubai for 334 rubles. These prices are relevant for vouchers departing from Moscow on December 30 and returning on January 8. You can relax in the five-star Royal Central the Palm hotel on Jumeirah on the same dates for 370 thousand rubles, in The Retreat Palm Dubai Mgalery – for 400 thousand for two. At the same time, prices in the more premium segment are about twice as high. For example, for a tour to the Jumeirah Al Qasr hotel you will

In Belarus, EU officials were accused of stupidity

Belarusian MP Savinykh: in its actions the EU goes beyond common sense meaning. The head of the international committee of the House of Representatives (lower house of parliament) of Belarus Andrei Savinykh said this in an interview with Izvestia. He commented on the information about the possible introduction of sanctions by the European Union against the Minsk airport and the Minsk hotel and accused European officials in stupidity. “It is completely incomprehensible what logic they are guided by and what result they want to get. We calmly look at this whole process and will react only after they have committed actions, since it is absolutely impossible to predict what stupidity they can still come up with, “the deputy noted. Earlier, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Arnoldas Pranckevičius said that new EU sanctions against Belarus will come into force within a week. He also noted that there are

More than 55 tons of donor blood procured in the Moscow region

Svetlana Strigunkova announced 90 percent of gratuitous donations in the Moscow region tons of donated blood and its components. This was reported by the press service of the regional health ministry. “Donated blood is needed to help those who need transfusion. These are victims of road accidents, patients with severe blood loss and burns, injuries, patients with oncology and blood diseases, newborns with various pathologies. This year, almost 88 thousand donations were made in blood service institutions. It is important that more than 90 percent of them are free of charge, “said the Minister of Health of the Moscow Region Svetlana Strigunkova. In the Moscow Region, thanks to donors, immune plasma is also being procured. The head institution of the blood service in the Moscow region is the Moscow Regional Blood Center.