Nutritionist named foods that help recover from COVID-19

Nutritionist Ginsburg: foods with vitamin D will help recover from COVID-19

Foods rich in vitamin D. Such products were named by nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, his words are quoted by “Narodnye Novosti”.

Also, according to him, you should pay attention to products with anthocyanins, which have anticoagulant properties.

< p> “First of all, marine fish, such as mackerel and herring, are rich in vitamin D. Various berries have anticoagulant properties – raspberries, lingonberries and blackberries, ”explained Ginzburg.

The specialist noted that the diet should contain foods that have anti-inflammatory effects. These include bread, cereals, nuts and fermented milk products.

Previously, nutritionist and nutritionist Lera Lavski said that the diet of people being treated for coronavirus should include foods rich in zinc, which is needed to form T -cellular immunity.

