Motorists were outraged by the idea of ​​reducing speed in cities

The Moscow Union of Motorists criticized the idea of ​​reducing the speed in cities

conversation with “” the idea of ​​reducing the speed in cities.

Earlier, a similar initiative was made by the head of the Public Council of the Ministry of Transport of Russia Mikhail Blinkin, reported URA.RU. He stressed that Russia has the world's highest free threshold – 20 kilometers per hour, and also said that an attempt had already been made to reduce the speed using roads with variable signs, which changed depending on information from weather sensors.

“I believe that the current situation is quite sufficient for the normal organization of the movement. There are a huge number of streets in Moscow, where the speed of movement is already below 60 kilometers per hour. In particular, there are many signs where the speed is 40 kilometers, and sometimes for no objective reason, “Galishnikov was indignant.

The public figure also said that he does not understand how legally it is possible to compare such concepts as speed and bad weather , since each driver undergoes a medical examination and is able to assess the road situation, individually choosing the speed limit.

“About additional signs. Our streets are dotted with signs anyway, they are dazzling in our eyes. We have electronic displays, on the Moscow Ring Road, in particular, where it is written: “Weather worsening”, “Pay attention to the speed limit”, “Do not exceed”. I think that such information boards that warn the driver are quite enough, “the motorist noted.

In addition, Galishnikov emphasized that in Moscow there is already a low speed due to traffic jams, which is a more pressing problem. requiring a solution.

