In the “Youth of ONF” told about the progress of the action #WeWe areTogether

Pensioners in the regions were brought medicines, books and food as part of the #WeAbout of the all-Russian action #We areTogether. Volunteers not only provide assistance to doctors, deliver food and medicine to the elderly, but also fulfill unusual requests.

For example, the Kuzbass team for the appeal of residents of the Kind Hands elderly care center brought more than 100 books to pensioners. The volunteers took the retirees from the institution under their patronage about two months ago and visit them every week. The guys conduct creative workshops, solve everyday issues.

“Now our main task is to help the elderly and people with limited mobility to maintain their health. Due to the difficult situation with coronavirus infection, they are advised to observe the self-isolation regime. The main job of the volunteers is to deliver food and medicine to those who stay at home today. But at the same time, it is important to support pensioners with attention and lively conversation. As, for example, in Kemerovo, the guys regularly come to the boarding house for the elderly – they communicate, discuss literature and history. Among the wards of the institution, there are veterans of the Great Patriotic War who share stories with the team, “said Igor Kastyukevich, first deputy head of the State Duma's youth policy committee, deputy head of the United Russia faction, head of the ONF Youth.

In Komi, members of the ONF Youth work on request simultaneously in three cities: Syktyvkar, Ukhta and Vuktyl. The guys deliver food and medicine not only to the elderly and people with limited mobility, but also to those who are sick with coronavirus today.

The team of the ONF Youth in the Tula region travels on average 5 – 7 times a day on requests. On November 8, the region introduced a self-isolation regime for unvaccinated people over 60 years old. Today the volunteers are assisted by two students from the Republics of Zambia and Uganda. Kateta Nkonde is a future doctor, studying at a Tula university. In between classes at the university, he travels to lonely and elderly residents. Kateta says that requests for help are different – from prescribing prescriptions and delivering groceries to being escorted to hospitals and other institutions.

“There is a pleasure that we experience from consumption. But I am sure that true joy lies in giving. Whether it is help to people or creativity, “- said Kateta Nkonde.

Every day the number of calls to the hotline #WeVmeste in the Amur Region is increasing. For example, an elderly resident of Blagoveshchensk, Svetlana Kapustina, is currently self-isolating and asked volunteers to bring her food.

Also, members of the ONF Youth team are now working in the country's medical institutions, reducing the burden on doctors. For example, volunteers provide daily assistance to the staff of the Amur Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital. Volunteers work in two shifts, helping to enter the test results for COVID-19, which come from all over the region, into the laboratory's electronic system. During the day, volunteers process about two thousand test results.

Recall that in total, in 2021, ONF Youth volunteers provided various types of assistance in 72 clinics of the country. And the work of volunteers began within the framework of the #WeMode campaign back in March 2020.

