Gunzburg announced the absence of negative consequences of repeated revaccination

Gunzburg: No negative consequences of multiple revaccinations from COVID-19 were recorded from the coronavirus. This is reported by TASS.

According to him, “absolutely no” negative consequences for the body were recorded.

There were [cases of revaccination several times], we observed the antibody titer, everything is fine , everything is fine

Alexander Gintsburg on the level of antibodies during multiple revaccinations against COVID-19Speaking about re-vaccination with Sputnik Light, Gunzburg noted that in the conditions of the spread of the COVID-19 delta strain, this must be done every six months. In his opinion, this recommendation is “very critical.”

The scientist explained the importance of revaccination by the fact that after six months a person's antibody level decreases if he does not constantly encounter a foreign antigen.

< p> At the same time, infectious disease doctor Evgeny Timakov believes that “Sputnik V” is the most effective drug for revaccination, as it prevents severe disease, death and the disease itself.

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Changes in the number of antibodies a few months after vaccination against COVID-19 were described by immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov. According to him, after three months, the titer of antibodies in a vaccinated patient decreases threefold, and after six months – tenfold. This is due to the low rates of revaccination, he explained.

Kryuchkov also spoke about the problem in which initially vaccinated people who have had a coronavirus infection cannot get the next vaccine on time, while maintaining a high level of herd immunity. p>

In turn, the scientific director of the Society of Preventive Medicine Specialists, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergey Tokarev stated the need to continue the active program of revaccination of previously ill and newly vaccinated people.

If we slow down now, we will not just stay where we are, a step forward, two steps back will be.

Sergey Tokarevo need for revaccinationAs the allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok explained, in order for the body to develop antibodies in large quantities, it is necessary to re-vaccinate five to six months after the coronavirus or vaccination. In this case, cellular immunity will begin to work and the level of antibodies will be huge – from 2 to 5.6 thousand units.

The specialist noted that after the first vaccination, the human body will develop a high level of antibodies. However, the problem is that they will quickly fall, “because the immune system works that way.” “If there is no contact with the infection, why keep antibodies, waste energy and protein. The immune system saves them, “the doctor explained.

When re-infection or contact with the virus during revaccination, memory cells begin to work. “And cellular immunity is long-term, it will support a person for a long time, more than five months,” Bolibok summed up.

Herd immunity

On November 10, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that it would be desirable to bring the level of collective immunity in the country to 90-95 percent. At the same time, at the present time, she said, on average in the country, this figure is 48.4 percent.

According to her, in order to achieve herd immunity of 80 percent, it is necessary to vaccinate about 22 million people and revaccinate about 9 million people.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that in the event of a delay in achieving herd immunity in the country, many of the efforts made to combat the spread of coronavirus will go to waste. At the same time, he stressed that information about the importance of achieving collective immunity must be conveyed not only to members of the Cabinet, but also to all residents of the country.

As of November 12, 63,124,096 people were vaccinated with the first component of the vaccine in Russia , 57,961,578 Russians were fully vaccinated. Thus, the level of herd immunity in the country has reached 49 percent. Such data are provided on the website.

