Doctor Myasnikov spoke about compulsory vaccination in Russia

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov: compulsory vaccination would help save thousands of Russians coronavirus. In a conversation with the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for the Development of Civil Society, Public and Religious Associations Olga Amelchenkova, he called this measure belated, reports KP.RU.

According to the doctor, if forced vaccination had been introduced in the country earlier, then it would help save several thousand people. “This measure was very late. There is a wave, 40 thousand sick a day. If we had taken this measure in the summer, we would not have lost 30 thousand people. This is the price of our delay, “Myasnikov said.

The TV presenter noted that today there is a surge in vaccination in Russia, but this will not affect the current situation, because, as Myasnikov specified, from the first vaccination to the appearance of immune protection one and a half to two months should pass. The doctor stressed that it is important not to slow down the rate of vaccination, as a new wave of COVID-19 is expected in March next year.

“If we do not want to lose a thousand people a day in the spring, we must see it through to the end.” , – he said.

Earlier, Myasnikov addressed Russians who are afraid of vaccination against coronavirus. He stated that when it comes to personal safety, fear is illogical. The doctor also advised citizens to “turn on the brain” and not listen to “anti-vaccine, provocateurs and hysterics.”

