Doctor Komarovsky named a good reason to wake up a sick child

Doctor Komarovsky: if a child's temperature rises during sleep, he needs to be woken up whether it is necessary to interrupt the child's sleep if his temperature begins to rise. In a post published on Instagram, he named a good reason to wake up the patient.

“You can sleep peacefully if the temperature is up to 38 degrees, but if it rises, then you need to wake up and drink, give antipyretic,” the doctor said. He explained that the main danger of high fever is that the child loses a huge amount of fluid. “When he does not drink, and the temperature is high, then dehydration sets in,” Komarovsky added.

He also noted that a sick child should sleep in comfortable conditions. “If the room is cool and humid, if the child drank a lot and has normal urination, then you can not wake up, but if the house is warm and dry, if the child drinks little and his fever rises, then you will wake up with a temperature of 40 and You will go to the hospital, “the doctor warned and strongly recommended to clean up the room in which the child sleeps.

Earlier, the doctor dispelled the popular myth associated with milk teeth. The TV presenter said that the procedure of “sealing” the teeth, that is, covering them with a special solution consisting of calcium and phosphorus, really helps to protect the child from tooth decay. At the same time, Komarovsky noted that “sealing” is absolutely useless for children with milk teeth.

