Almost 2,000 migrants approached the checkpoint on the border of Poland

Almost 2000 refugees approached the checkpoint on the Belarusian-Polish border

Almost 2000 approached the checkpoint (checkpoint) on the Polish border refugees. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to a source in the State Border Committee of Belarus.

The interlocutor of the agency said that almost all migrants who were previously in the border spontaneous camp were located right next to the barriers at the border crossing between Belarus and Poland and so far do not attempt to break through.

According to him, the situation remains calm, no aggressive actions on the part of the refugees were noticed.

Earlier it became known that a crowd of migrants began to leave their camp on the border with Poland and accompanied by Belarusian security forces went to the Bruzgi checkpoint. It was noted that from the Polish side, additional military forces and equipment, including water cannons, were pulled to the cordon.

On November 8, several thousand migrants from the Middle East accumulated near the border of Poland and Belarus and attempted to break through to the territory of the European Union (EU). Minsk was accused of aggravating the migration crisis in the West and they began to discuss the introduction of new sanctions.

