The psychologist listed the steps to take when bullying a child at school

Psychologist Madenko: parents should not allow their child to cope with bullying

Child psychologist Ekaterina Madenko said that parents should not allow the child bullying at school yourself. She told the newspaper Izvestia about this.

According to Madenko, many parents mistakenly believe that a child should deal with difficulties on his own. However, this has nothing to do with bullying at school. “During bullying, the child experiences moral and physical humiliation, fear that he cannot cope with on his own,” the specialist noted.

The expert urged not to tell the child: “Give me change” or “It's my own fault” and listed the necessary actions. You should accept and support the child, explain to him how to behave in certain situations. Then, parents need to be sure to collect information from the teachers, the principal, and the school psychologist. “Observe the condition of the child. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to change school or switch to home schooling, “said Madenko.

The expert also named signs that signal that a child is being bullied: withdrawal, poor appetite and sleep. refusal to go to school, low academic performance.

Earlier, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Sergei Enikolopov named the reasons for aggression in adolescents at school. According to him, conflicts in the family and poverty can contribute to aggression.

