The immunologist named the end of the increase in the incidence of coronavirus

Immunologist Bolibok: the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 will last until February 2022

The increase in the incidence of coronavirus infection in Russia will last until February 2022. Allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok named such a term in an interview with URA.RU.

According to the specialist, these deadlines for the end of the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 will be applicable if the delta variant of the coronavirus behaves in the same way as the Wuhan one. “If you look at the previous waves, then it took three months from peak to decline. We had a peak in December 2020, and the final decline was in March. January, February, March – three months. If it is the same, then by February there will be a figure, “Bolibok explained.

At the same time, the immunologist emphasized that the time of the onset of a new wave of coronavirus will depend on how long the immunity to the delta strain will last. For example, waves of infection with the Wuhan variant of COVID-19 followed at intervals of seven months, Bolibok said, which corresponds to the idea of ​​immunity. “It is impossible to say that about the delta strain yet. Because we do not know exactly how much immunity lasts after the transferred delta strain, “he added.

Alexey Agranovsky, professor of the Department of Virology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, agreed with the specialist. The expert noted that it is very difficult to make predictions about a decrease in the incidence now. According to him, since the summer of 2021, there has been a plateau with a high level of both morbidity and mortality, and in the fall, an increase began from the plateau. The infectivity of the delta variant of the coronavirus is two or more times higher than that of the zero strain, so the waves may be sharper, although there will be recessions too. “We will not be vaccinated, everything will be very bad,” the professor concluded.

Earlier it was reported that 38,823 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia over the previous day. Thus, the total number of infections in the country since the beginning of the pandemic was 9,070,674. 1219 patients with COVID-19 have died per day, and a total of 255,386 people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

