The Ministry of Health promised to activate certificates on the day of revaccination with Sputnik Light

Kuznetsov: for revaccination with Sputnik Light, the certificate will be activated on the day of vaccination

The certificate for revaccination with Sputnik Light will activate vaccinations, promised Assistant Minister of Health of Russia Alexei Kuznetsov, his words are reported by TASS.

“If we talk about re-vaccination or vaccination of previously ill with Sputnik Light, then in these cases the vaccination certificate begins to be valid on the day of vaccination.” , – he stressed.

Kuznetsov clarified that with the primary vaccination with the drug, the certificate is activated 21 days after the injection. The same period for obtaining a document must be waited for when choosing Sputnik V or other two-component vaccines.

Earlier, the first deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov said that Russia has launched the production of 150 million sets of coronavirus vaccines per quarter. According to him, the current production volumes of drugs will be enough to cover their own needs and for export.

