The lawyer assessed the legality of introducing QR codes in transport and cafes

Klyuchnikova's lawyer: the introduction of QR codes in transport and cafes will not contradict the constitution codes in transport, cafes and shops. She told RIA Novosti that the draft law being developed will not contradict the Russian Constitution.

“As far as I understand, it is planned to amend the law“ On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population ”. Here you need to understand that in this way decisions will be made and the details of its implementation will be worked out in each region separately. As for the proposal itself, it does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “Klyuchnikova explained.

Article 55 of the Constitution states that human and civil rights and freedoms can be limited by federal law only to the extent necessary in in order to protect health, the lawyer recalled. She added that lawmakers need to be careful not to violate the rights of citizens.

The lawyer added that, as an ordinary person, she considers the measures appropriate, since her family faced the coronavirus.

On November 11, operational The headquarters for the fight against coronavirus infection confirmed that it is working with the departments on bills on the introduction of mandatory QR codes in cafes, transport and shops. The introduction of the relevant bills to the State Duma will be announced additionally.

