Nutritionist named products harmful to the skin

Nutritionist Zhuravleva: sugar and dairy products harm the skin condition This is reported by RIA Novosti.

According to the specialist, sugary foods provoke a rise in insulin and blood sugar levels, causing inflammation and increased sebum (sebum) secretion, which leads to acne and acne.

Dairy products are also harmful to the skin. “Lactose is milk sugar found in dairy and sour milk products and belongs to the group of disaccharides. It is she who gives the milk a sweet taste. Lactose “feeds” our opportunistic flora, which causes skin problems, candidiasis and other diseases, “the expert said.

Zhuravleva urged people with acne, candidiasis, atopic dermatitis and syndrome to refuse dairy products polycystic ovaries. Also, they should be excluded for any skin problems.

Earlier, a nutritionist, a member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, Natalya Kruglova named a vegetable that can protect against cancer. Tomatoes are a source of health benefits, she said. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful and important antioxidant for humans.

