In the Samara region, most of the budget will be allocated to the social sphere

Dmitry Azarov instructed to develop a system of fairs for local agricultural products in the region which discussed the key parameters of the regional budget for the next year.

Most of the expenditures will be directed to healthcare, education, infrastructure construction, and measures to support citizens. In total, over 110 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes, which is more than 60 percent of the total expenditures. In total, according to preliminary forecasts, they will amount to 188 billion rubles.

“We will have a bias towards medicine, for sure. Literally two days ago, I held a regular meeting with the Ministry of Health, and we agreed on additional allocation of funds from the regional budget to increase the number of PCR tests, we allocate additional funds for vaccination against influenza, for vehicles for doctors, and allocate additional funds for an oxygen station … It is important to balance and maintain other areas that will allow us to develop, “- said the head of the region Dmitry Azarov.

It is planned that next year the regional budget revenues will grow to 182 billion rubles.

“The budget for next year, which was adopted today in the first reading, already implies 20 billion more revenues than this year,” said the head of the region.

Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma Gennady Kotelnikov drew attention to the fact that the main parameters of the regional budget for the next year set the directions for the development of all branches of the province, and first of all, the social sphere. He added that a colossal preliminary work was carried out by the executive authorities, personally by the governor, the deputy corps.

Dmitry Azarov expressed confidence that the constructive joint work of the regional government with the deputies of the provincial duma on budgeting will continue.

In addition, the head of the region held a meeting on price regulation in the food market of the Samara region. In particular, they talked about the development of a system of fairs for local agricultural producers, where every resident and guest of the region can buy quality products at a bargain price.

“The conversation that we have provided seats, but they do not go, does not suit me. It is necessary to invite agricultural producers, to provide them – not only large, but also small and medium – an opportunity to sell their products, and residents – the opportunity to purchase it at affordable prices. We provide support to many farms, but their products are not sold. What then is the effectiveness of these measures? This is an important task, “the governor noted and instructed the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to solve it within a week.

Dmitry Azarov stressed that price control is relevant for the vast majority of Russian regions, but his primary task is to protect the interests of residents Samara region.

“I am worried about the difficulties and problems faced by the inhabitants of our region. We must clearly understand the situation, outline joint work with the territorial federal authorities, municipalities, take measures that will stabilize the situation, achieve changes in the current price parameters so that it becomes noticeable for the residents of the region, “the governor said.

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