Died satirist writer Viktor Koklyushkin

The satirist Koklyushkin, who wrote the monologues for Petrosyan and Novikova, died at the age of 75

Russian writer-satirist, screenwriter and TV personality Viktor This was reported by Vesti.ru.

Koklyushkin died at the age of 75. The cause of death was acute heart failure.

Viktor Koklyushkin was born on November 27, 1945 in Moscow. At the age of 36, he graduated from the higher theater courses of GITIS, and four years later began writing scripts for television. He also wrote the script for the film Uncle Vanya and Others. In addition, Koklyushkin was the author of a whole series of monologues: “Classmates”, “Women's consultation”, “Rehearsal”, “Bust”, “Translator” and “Herbalife”.

During his life, the writer has published many books of stories , stories and novels. He was a laureate of the Literary Prize of the Yunost magazine and the Golden Calf Prize of the Literary Gazette. His monologues were read by such humorists as Vladimir Vinokur, Evgeny Petrosyan, Klara Novikova and Efim Shifrin.

