Russian hieromonk defrocked for molesting 53 boys

The court of the Birobidzhan diocese defrocked Hieromonk Spiridon for corrupting 53 boys … This is stated on the website of the diocese.

So, during the meeting, the Diocesan Church Court, guided by a set of canonical rules, taking into account the recognition by Hieromonk Spiridon (Abramov) of his guilt in corrupting 53 boys, violating his monastic vows and priestly oath, decided to recognize that his sinful deeds fall, in particular, under the canonical rules.

“On this basis, the hieromonk banned from serving was recognized as subject to ejection from the priesthood,” the message says. The decision of the church court will be sent for approval to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

On November 8, the court sentenced a priest to 18 years in prison for abusing 53 boys. According to the investigation, the 39-year-old hieromonk Spiridon (Yuri Abramov) worked as the rector of the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in the village of Amurzet (Oktyabrsky District). Together with his assistant, 26-year-old bell ringer Sergei Moos, he has been seducing children since 2007. During the searches, the security forces confiscated items that were not intended for worship.

In November 2019, a resident of the Jewish Autonomous Region applied to the Investigative Committee of Russia with a request to check the priest – she suspected him of molesting boys between the ages of 12 and 16 .

