Russia asked the UN to intervene over visa problems for diplomats in the United States

“Our delegation has been & nbsp; for more than four years faced with & nbsp; problems caused by improper performance by the host state of its obligations under the Agreement & nbs about & nbsp; Headquarters & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the diplomat at the & nbsp; committee meeting.

He recalled the systematic refusals of entry visas both for the staff of the Russian permanent mission to the UN and for delegates from Moscow.

In addition, Leonidchenko spoke about & nbsp; confiscated diplomatic property and & nbsp; restrictions to & nbsp; move.

“ Problems with & nbsp; visas and & nbsp; transport restrictions affect not & nbsp; only Russian diplomats, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; Secretariat staff from & nbsp; number of Russian citizens. Some of & nbsp; of them, who successfully passed the competition for the & nbsp; positions of international employees, cannot & nbsp; enter the & nbsp; USA and & nbsp; start work for years. This is effectively tantamount to declaring them & nbsp; & ldquo; unwanted persons & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; pointed out by a representative.

The diplomat recalled the & nbsp; situation with & nbsp; collective expulsion in & nbsp; 2017; & nbsp; violation of the provisions of the Agreement on & nbsp; Headquarters & raquo; a whole group of employees of the Permanent Mission of Russia, accredited at the & nbsp; UN, and & nbsp; not & nbsp; at & nbsp; USA.

As pointed out by Leonidchenko, there was no intelligible reaction from the world organization.

“Despite the & nbsp; recommendations of the Committee and & nbsp; General Assembly , the problems our delegation faced & nbsp; have not yet been & nbsp; resolved. We & nbsp; hear about & nbsp; Secretariat contacts with & nbsp; American authorities in & nbsp; Washington, but & nbsp; do & nbsp; see no concrete results & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted & nbsp; he.

According to & nbsp; the diplomat said, the systematic and & nbsp; demonstrative nature of violations directly indicates & nbsp; that & nbsp; Washington is not & nbsp; going to rectify the situation not & nbsp; only in & nbsp; & nbsp; & quot; reasonable and & nbsp; limited time & raquo; but & nbsp; and & nbsp; in & nbsp; principle.

Leonidchenko stressed that & nbsp; Moscow “ in & nbsp; the fourth year of fruitless discussions '' should move on to & nbsp; actions and & nbsp; turn to the & nbsp; General Secretary, since “ the conversations are clearly delayed. ''

