Problems with the supply of food in Primorye promised to be solved in three weeks

The Ministry of Transport promised to correct the situation with the delivery of goods in the Far East by the end of November

After reports of interruptions in the supply of products to a number of regions of the Far East, the Ministry of Transport promised to correct the situation three weeks before the end of November. This is stated in a publication on the agency's website.

To solve the problem of cargo delivery, the seaports of Primorye will switch to a round-the-clock operating mode in the presence of ships under cargo operations, and will also take a number of additional measures.

An additional four vessels will be put on coastal lines to relieve peak loads. Shipping companies are agreeing with seaport operators the working schedule of ships on coastal lines in order to reach a storage volume not exceeding the volume of one ship consignment per line.

On the eve of November 9, Kommersant reported on continuing problems with supplies in Sakhalin, Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. In some areas, stores began to lack vegetables, fruits, dairy products and eggs.

The reason for this situation was the delay of thousands of containers in the coastal ports, which, due to the sharply increased traffic from China, reoriented to accept and further shipment goods. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov stressed that the situation is under the personal control of Vladimir Putin, and promised that the government will take action soon.

