Legislative regulation of online cinemas was discussed in the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber hosted a round table on the regulation of online cinemas

The Public Chamber of Russia hosted a round table on the legislative regulation of online cinemas. According to the participants in the discussion, the most pressing issues are the fight against destructive content among children, increasing the transparency of recommendation algorithms for online services and the fight against piracy.

Member of the Public Chamber Ekaterina Mizulina noted that it would help to solve the problem with the spread of dangerous content the law “on landing” of foreign IT companies. She also proposed extending the laws banning certain scenes from television to online cinemas and introducing age verification of their users.

“I am also worried about advertising and recommendation algorithms. Many parents say that even kids' profiles have annoying ads that kids can click through and stumble upon dangerous content. All this can harm the psyche of children, especially under 14 years old. Algorithms must be turned off at all online sites for children under 14 years old. Such a system is already working in the UK, ”she said.

Deputy Anton Gorelkin emphasized that the draft law on the regulation of recommendations could be submitted to the State Duma for consideration by the end of the year. He also noted that online cinemas are important for the Russian economy, so “it is important not to kill them with regulations.”

“For young users, of course, the content needs to be cleaned up. There are often cases of automatic playback of prohibited videos on the network, so you need to disable these algorithms for children. Audiovisual services and social media should provide a shutdown button. We understand their risks and arguments, however there is political will and conviction that regulation is necessary. This is not our know-how, this story is being actively developed in China and the European Union are preparing legislative acts that affect the regulation of ABC. We are one of the five digital leaders in the industry, and strong Russian players are successfully competing with Western giants, “he said.

The deputy said that the bill on regulating advertising algorithms for online platforms may provide for mandatory placement of social advertising.

“Now, according to the law, network resources must ensure that the share of social advertising is up to 5 percent of the total volume of advertising,” the deputy recalled.

General Director of the Internet Video Association Alexei Byrdin, noted that online -cinemas can be obliged to have an alternative to the recommendatory formation of the issue.

“In fact, now we do not regulate a huge amount of large information resources. These are foreign video services that will not be included in the register in any way. It was good news for me to learn that Roskomnadzor made a request to Netflix for the information needed to be entered into it. Foreign video services and social networks need to be “grounded”, regulated and introduced into the legal field, “he said.

Byrdin also pointed out the need to restrict access of young audiences to inappropriate content.

Deputy General Mikhail Platov, Director of Legal Affairs of the IVI Online Cinema, suggested finding a balance between the legislative regulation of online cinemas and the interests of users.

