Germany allowed the possibility of freezing “Nord Stream-2” due to Ukraine

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Germany May Freeze Nord Stream 2 to Avoid Dependency -2 “because of Ukraine and in order to avoid dependence on Russia. This opinion was expressed by the German columnist Stefan Kornelius in an article for the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

According to him, Germany found itself in a difficult situation and was forced to look for a way out, which would become the most important political decision, since this problem was postponed for a long time. The author pointed out that “pseudo-arguments” seem less and less convincing, for example, reverse gas supply for Ukraine and other Eastern European countries.

This may work at first. But when there is not enough gas and German gas supply companies start fighting for every cubic meter, the conflict will move to Western Europe. Therefore, there can be only one solution: to separate the gas owner and the network operator and get rid of Russian dependence. To do this, you need to look for other suppliers, use alternative energy sources, strictly enforce the contract and ultimately be ready to make a political decision to freeze the pipeline

Stefan Cornelius columnist for the Süddeutsche Zeitung

Cornelius stressed that the buyer became addicted and became vulnerable to blackmail, and the seller is taking advantage of this situation. He added that we are talking not only about Ukraine, but also about Germany, and the problem is growing.

Earlier, on November 9, a member of the Bundestag from the Left party, the former head of the Committee on Economy and Energy Klaus Ernst announced the urgent need to launch the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. According to him, Germany needs gas at reasonable prices, and German consumers feel an urgent need to launch the pipeline.

Germany needs Russian gas

Cornelius said that Germany needs Russian gas, and Russia, in turn, needs German money. In his opinion, Moscow intends to split the European Union in order to deprive Europe of its main weapon – economic cohesion, thereby protecting itself from sanctions and making the EU unattractive for countries seeking membership in it, such as North Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia.

Germany needs Russian gas. Russia needs German money. But it is also true that Russia is willing to pay a high price for this dependence in order to advance other, more important interests. Germany is thinking about winter and the next coalition. The Russian president, on the other hand, thinks in strategic terms. Revenues are of secondary importance to him

Stefan Cornelius columnist for Süddeutsche Zeitung wp-content/uploads/2021/11/c00a9e6178605cb343ba3d37ddda7779.png “/>Russia has gone through many crises. How did she learn not to be afraid of falling oil prices? 00: 02 – 13 January … Is Russia ready for this?

On November 8, Deputy Head of the Gazprom Department, Alexei Finikov, announced that the construction of Nord Stream 2 was completed and the gas pipeline was ready for launch.

Former head of the Bundestag Committee on Economics and Energy Klaus Ernst said that the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by the German regulator Bundesnetzagentur could be completed in January 2022. According to him, now there is a need to launch the project as soon as possible.

The energy security of Europe is important for the Germans

Igor Yushkov, an expert at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, a leading analyst at the National Energy Security Fund, stressed that the Germans are important not only for their own energy security, but also for Europe. Since Germany positions itself as the leader of the European Union, it must take responsibility for other countries, the specialist is sure. His words are quoted by radio Sputnik.

Germany is well aware that the energy crisis in Europe has already formed, they are talking about it openly, and this despite the fact that winter has not yet begun. Germany calls for the creation of an opportunity to purchase more gas from Russia, since, as we see, no one else can supply gas. Therefore, it is logical that the Germans are calling for the launch of Nord Stream 2, which will make it possible to increase supplies. And not so much for yourself. Nord Stream 2 is more likely for the rest of Europe

Igor Yushkov, expert of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, leading analyst National Energy Security Fund

Yushkov also commented on Germany's reluctance to see Poland and Ukraine in the Nord Stream 2 certification process. He stressed that this is fully justified, since the Germans proceed from the real state of affairs.
The expert pointed out that certification is a check on how well the gas pipeline is built, whether it meets all the requirements of the legislation. And the Poles and Ukrainians, in his opinion, do not want to check this, but intend to delay or disrupt the commissioning period.

This is a subversive, sabotage position, in fact it is an abuse of their position. So why are they needed in the certification process? Regulatory bodies with a completely impartial position must participate in certification

Igor Yushkov, expert of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, leading analyst of the National Energy Security Fund

Earlier, a Bundestag deputy from the Left party Klaus Ernst assessed the role of Ukraine and Poland in the certification of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. According to Ernst, Ukraine should not take part in the certification of Nord Stream 2. The country's only task is to pay gas bills, he added.

